Hard to wite this one without it sounding crazy but the last couple of weeks when I'm looking at people's faces I feel I recognise them from somewhere else even people I know very hard to explain but anyone else with e experience this ?
Recognising faces: Hard to wite this... - Encephalitis Inte...
Recognising faces
Yes, that’s common. I didn’t even recognize myself in the mirror for a while. The technical term for what I experienced is prosopagnosia. Google that word. Does that fit with what you’re talking about?
Hi thanks for the reply . I don't think that's what I have as I recognise faces but just seems to be from other places or so strangers I don't know but when I look at them I think I have seen them before . That was interesting looking the meaning of prosopagnosia up as I've never heard of it .
Hi Craig,
Sometimes I have had that, if I haven't seen someone for a long time or they are new to me I recognise their voices quicker, but if I see them regularly enough I recognise them better.
Familiar faces are best, and it's voices for others.
I might be wrong Craig , but this sounds similar to a partial ‘onset aware’ focal seizure. That type of partial seizure can cause a general strange feeling that you’re witnessing events have happened before (basically a strong sense of déjà vu), without actually losing consciousness. They usually lasts for a minute or less.
Some people with partial seizures have motor symptoms such as lip-smacking or pulling at the clothes. But other people have non-motor symptoms such as a ‘rising’ feeling in the stomach, or a sense of deja vu .
It happened to me when I was admitted to hospital following severe seizures in 2020. Initially when I woke up , I had a very clear sense that I already knew exactly who the Drs reviewing me on the ward rounds were, even though I had never met them before . I didn’t feel crazy - the sense of knowing them felt very real. The sense of deja vu stopped after my meds were increased.