Hi My mom contracted HSV1 four months ago and was discharged from the hospital a month ago. Now her body is weak and she has difficulty walking and her body trembles. Her short-term memory is impaired and she has hallucinations. I am 20 years old and I have never seen a patient like this. I don't know what to do🥺. I need any advice. Is this situation permanent or will everything get better after a while?Thank you, I love you guys 💙
My mom got HSV1 four months ago. Help... - Encephalitis Inte...
My mom got HSV1 four months ago. Help please!

I’m so sorry about your mother. I’m sure it is very difficult for you to see her in this state. I can reassure you that all of the issues you mentioned are expected with encephalitis and are very likely to improve over the next weeks, months, and even years. It takes a couple years before the extent of the acquired brain injury and after-effects in severe encephalitis cases to become apparent. Do you have more family support? Your dad? Siblings? This can’t and shouldn’t be all on your shoulders. I got sick when I was 24, and it was a whole-family problem. My brother (26 at the time) and sister (23 at the time) took care of me mostly for a few years, but now my parents are primary.
Love and prayers ❤️
I am so sorry to hear about your mum. I had encephalitis just over 3 years ago. It obvioulsy depends on the individual and I was very lucky. Although I was extremley fatigued for some time afterwards. I could not stand to have a shower at the beginning when I got home and sat on a chair. Just moving between the bed, the bathroom and the lounge. Slowly I built up my energy by just doing things slowly. Walking to the end of the driveway and back to start. The body takes a huge hit and needs time and rest while in recovery. Like your mum I have an amazing daughter who stepped in and helped me.
I would suggest taking any help that is offered and making things as easy as you can. Let go of things that don't need to be done immediately and just do when needed .... such as cleaning and washing. Make meals healthy but easy.
I am not sure of where you are located but the hospital on discharge should provide support services advice and if so use those that you are entitled to.
It is a big responsibility for you and I hope there are others that can help even if a little.
There is so little understanding and cases out there .... thats when I went looking and found this website which helped to know there were others in the same position.
I regained my strength and concentration enough to start back at work part time after around 4 - 5 months post hospital. I slowly built up my hours of work and got back to full time.
I wish you all the best and look after youself through this any way you can.
Hi Ftmz.
Four months is very early on in your mum’s recovery . I know my husband found the first year looking after me wasn’t easy, but things did improve for me in the second year of recovery . Please don’t feel alone supporting your mum. If you need professional advice , you’ll find the Encephalitis International charity’s friendly support team great to talk to . They are available from 9am to to 4.30pm (GMT) .
You can call them on +44(0)1653 699599.
Or you can email them on support@encephalitis.info and they will be happy to arrange a Zoom/Skype call with you .
Don’t forget to look after yourself as well as your lovely mum . ❤️🩹
First off, so sorry for what you’re witnessing, yet just know, and keep reminding yourself that things do get better. She was in the hospital for such a long time that weakness would be expected, and I’m hoping she is getting neurological follow up who will recommend some cognitive therapy, maybe physical therapy and will keep monitoring her progress.
This is obviously such a hard time for you all, as the brain is still such a misunderstood body part! It’s so difficult to truly see and understand what those neuro pathways are trying to do. Just know that the brain does heal like anything else that is injured - it just takes a long, long time to see the results. It’s thought that it can take up to two years to fully mend, and new neuropathways do pop open along the way. Just ask me, who is doing so much better five years post brain injury.
Please keep us posted and praying you all find some solace is knowing it will get better.
HiWhat a beautiful profile! I also love space 🌌. Two years is a long time, but the hope that she will eventually recover gives me energy. Thank you for your message. I wish you health and happiness💙
Hi F, these symptoms are not unusual for Enc. Meds can help if they find the right ones. In my case most abilities returned with exercise and practise. Brain exercise such as games, reading, talking, writing etc. will keep things moving along. Rehab and support should be available through your GP and a social worker. Best Wishes, G2
Hi ganadalf,thank you for your advice.💙 What do you mean by the right pills? What pills were you taking?
I can't say what they are because the dose and frequency are particular to me. Plus I have more than one condition and take extra meds too.
Thank you Ganadalf 💙
Dear FTMZ, Sorry to hear about your mother's condition. Mental health can really affect the sufferer. She may be feeling that she is a burden and that a degree of hopelessness. Please get her to understand that none of this is her fault, there is help and hopefully a road to recovery. The specialists I have spoken to have made it clear that even the most resilient person is susceptible to mental health issues but there is hope and road to recovery. Look after yourself and if possible share the workload/burden/privilege of caring for your mother 🙏