Firstly I hope everyone had a good Christmas and ate as much as possible,
A quick update as to my recovery from hsv encephalitis, still ongoing headaches occasionally but this could now be a mix between the brain injury and the after affect of stress anxiety caused bruxism , sore neck and jaw muscles leading to head pain , gladly its not all the time though but its annoying when it starts as it usually is on and off for a good few still get the weird strong chemical smellnin nose which I can also taste every so often that causes nausea and just once vomit, same smell I had before I ended up in hospital so that triggers memories of that part just because iv associated it with the brain injury, can honestly say my driving has not got worse which is good but I have noticed a difference with other drivers they seem to be so impatient dangerous maneuvers and just plain idiots , more so just now licence in a lucky bag I guess my way around that is telling myself and I am the one who's had a brain injury and can still drive safely , still occupation health doctor and neuro physiologist doctor are great with the aftercare still on going with video calls and meets when safe to do so, still I am hopefull to return to work soon , but having to get all doctors to agree and to be fully discharged from hospital care and checks , got another mri scan on January this time further away and its in a mobile van outside the hospital , , anyway hopefully the covid thing settles soon and we can all get back to a kind of normality, and all the best for the coming year ahead