Has anybody had any experience with itching skin following encephalitis? In this case located to certain parts of he legs. This continues 6 months after hospital discharge. Wonder whether it is a neurological consequence of he encephalitis or drugs related (keppra/Lacosamide)
Itching skin: Has anybody had any... - Encephalitis Inte...
Itching skin

I feel like I’m more itchier than normal after having encephalitis... BUT I do have eczema and I think my immune system is worse because of encephalitis therefore, making my eczema worse. Have you told your doctor? You should. Any rough dry, patches? If not then it could be the meds...
Hi - my son is 7 years old and this was something he complained about even before he had a formal diagnosis of autoimmune encephalitis. We call them "itchies" and they move to different spots on his body (often his arms and legs) and last for a short period of time. He recently had a flare and now that he is again receiving IVIG and steroids, he rarely complains of them. I am hoping that once he is off IVIG/steroids that his cellcept dose will control the "itchies". I was only aware that this can be a possible symptoms of encephalitis as I had read Brain on Fire by Susannah Cahalan (before he became ill). I don't know if this is helpful, but I hope it is. Best of luck with your recovery. As a mom of someone fighting this disease, I know how truly amazing you are. Warm Regards
Thanks KDJR. I’ll read ‘Brain on Fire’. I think there is a connection with the encephalitis. Up until now I’ve been treating it with over the counter insect bite cream. It seems to alleviate the itching some.
I'm happy to share - and really glad the info might help you. I think there is definitely a connection; Ryan's "itchies" don't go away until he receives steroids or IVIG and they are one of the symptoms I monitor and tell his specialists about. If you look up "neuropathic itch" it might provide some information that is helpful and allows you to better explain it to your doctors and hopefully get some treatment that works. Warmest Regards