Hi. Just need your opinions. So for as long as I can remember, every time I would do a urinalysis, I would always have protein come up in the results. My doctor eventually referred me to a nephrologist who ordered me to do a 24 hour urine test, which I did and there was protein found. I dont remember the numbers because it was a while ago. I also did an ultrasound and results were normal. My gfr is normal as well. The urologist wants to just take a wait and see approach. What do you think? Is it possible to have ckd when all tests are normal except the protein in the urine part?
Protein in urine but all tests normal - Early CKD Support
Protein in urine but all tests normal
Some people naturally leak some protein. Keeping an eye on it is a sensible approach. What I suggest is if your ankles start to swell, or your face is puffy when you get up in the morning or you feel short of breath, go back to see your specialist. Protein regulates the fluid balance within the body. If the albumin/ protein levels drop too low, fluid from your bloodstream will move into the tissues, causing oedema- fluid retention. You will also notice frothy urine. Good luck and take care.
Protein in the urine can be caused by many things, NOT just CKD. You mentioned your GFR, etc., are normal and you have not been labelled CKD. You have seen two doctors and both seem to just say ignore it for now. And naturally you are not liking this approach. I would not either. If something isn't "normal" I don't want for it to become a problem because I ignored it. That said, there are other primary things that can result in protein in the urine. A big one is dehydration. A lot of people do not drink nearly enough. It is customary that urine sample is taken when a person gets a fasting blood work test. So not drinking enough in the first place, added with 12 hours of no fluids before the test, adds to possibility of protein in urine. Have another urine test (only). Drink fluids the day before and right up until the test. See results. Other causes can be Emotional stress, fever (which since you said you have had this problem for a while do NOT seem applicable. Another is aggressive exercise. Not just walking. But something more like lifting weights, gym activity. And a person who uses anti inflammation medications or other medications too frequently will have protein in urine.
This might be helpful: nhs.uk/Livewell/Kidneyhealt...