Hello everyone, I am new to this forum so bare with me. I was recently diagnosed with Endstage 3 Renal Failure. I would like to know if anyone can give me some sound advise as what to and not to do to help reverse this horrific disease if possible. Any and all suggestions are welcome. I am scared to tears here, I am only 57 and just lost my Dad to a Heart attack in April 2016. He also had Renal Failure. My GFR is 42and Glom Filt Rate is 37, my sodium levels are 144 and Potassium is 4.2, urea 23 and creatinine is 1.53. Any and all suggestions are appreciated.
Newly Diaganosed: Hello everyone, I am... - Early CKD Support
Newly Diaganosed

At stage 3, if you follow your consultant's advice, it could be some time before you need dialysis, if at all. Is your diagnosis the same as your father's? I am sorry to hear of your loss. It doesn't mean the same will happen to you. Dialysis is not a life sentence.
Your urea is high, but everything else is ok. I'm not going to give you false hope about reversing your condition. I'm quite sceptical about such claims. But trying to keep yourself well, avoid salt, drink water and take regular exercise will all help.
Please try not to worry too much. I'm 45 and have dialysed for 26 years. It will change your lifestyle, but it's not the end of the world.
Take care.
Hi Sthrnbell
I am Stage 3a and was diagnosed approx 5 years ago. My egfr at that time was also 42 but now it is 55 and has been 60. I don't really know why it fluctuates so much but I try hard to stick to the rules of a renal diet as Nicolala says, no salt, take regular exercise, drink lots of water, avoid cheese, chocolate. I know the list seems endless but you will adapt to it and most of the time it is a healthy diet. Also, cook your own meals as ready meals contain lots of salt, sugar, potassium, etc There are many books out there for renal diets, but one I can recommend is Mathea Ford, Renal Dietician. Concentrate on eating the foods that are good for you and avoid the rest. Take care 😊
Hi, Endstage renal failure usually means you have a kidney function of less than 15%. I am 11% now and take advice from my dietician at the hospital to try and keep it stable. Avoid all the nasties such as salt, potassium etc. Ready made foods are not really good for you. Exercise is also important.
Hi JanRob 19,
Living in CapeTown South Africa i am having difficulty interpreting CKD numbers coming via this forum. I was diagnosed with CKD AT STAGE 3. The Nephrologist scripted a medication known in SOUTH AFRICA as ONE ALPHA, AND A BETA BLOCKER to prevent Cardiac problems I have now gone to Stage5 and still do not present with any of the conditions that should be manifesting at this time.
The Nephrologist is now talking about placing a Fistula, which has really rocked my boat. I must add that l have been eating meat prolifically with no ill affect. A Homeopathic Doctor has also assisted me with plant meds however my Creatinine level and GFR are at Stage 5, all other electrolytes are within the Normal rates.
I guess that o do not understand how the huge differences arise from professional folks who contradict what can be eaten and what can't. Yes bananas, No Bananas. Yes beans, No beans. Plenty water, Little water etc.
Oalso do not understand Stage 3b.3c.4a etc. It appears that these symbols are used in the UK.
I would really appreciate a response.
end stage is stage 5 & just about or are on dialysis stage 3 you can live for many years at my hubby was stage 3 for at least 15 years that we know of he went quickly from that through to stage 5 within a year (due to other problems) just eat healthy & look after yourself keeping a healthy weight etc much the same as any one should thats the best you can do x
Thank you Phillen for your response. I'm hoping it is because of the Ansaids I was taking. I was on Prilosec for over 10 years and took Ansaids for about 1.5 years. I am a Diabetic and was on Metformin. My Dr. never told me I had Kidney Disease. I kept asking about my Kidneys, but he kept telling me I didn't have any problems with my Kidneys. I changed Dr.'s and my new Dr. told me I had had CKD for about a year. I didn't have any problems with my Kidneys untill after I started taking the Ansaids for Arthritis in my hand. My new Dr. took me off Metformin and Blood Pressure meds. I took myself off most all Pharmaceutical meds. I control my Diabetes with diet and take Magnesium and Hawthorn for Blood Pressure. I have to take Levethroxen because I lost Thyroid to Cancer. The only other Pharmaceutical Ned I take is an Anxiety. I clean Medical Office Monday through Friday so I get lots of exercise as I walk about 10, 000 steps or more every night along with dust and mopping floors. I lost around 50lbs.. I am praying that I can reverse this some how. If you or someone reading this knows of any Natural meds that can help, please let me know. Thanks again and may God bless you and everyone that reads this with Healthy bodies.
Yes it could be the arthritis drug they do cause decline in kidney function you sound like you do your best anyway & have had a few problems hopefully it will slow or halt the decline my husbands renal pharmacist always recommends to seek advice before taking any thing natural or herbal etc x
hi shrnbell..do not worry i had edfr of 40 for ten years befor i had tranplant last august.eat healthily and avoid fatty food red meat..dont smoke and drink little alcohol..take care .regards chris
Along with dietary and lifestyle awareness, in my non-expert opinion I believe gentle exercise, a mindfulness/ meditation practice and rest might be generally helpful. My policy is maintenance, building strength and wellbeing rather than focusing on the 'kidney problem' per se. (Although have lived with renal issues for 30+ years, fortunately not at serious ckd level and have mostly stable renal function though slightly impaired currently.) Hope these thoughts might be helpful. All the best!