Was diagnosed with IGA 5 years ago ,my kidney function has decreased every year it's now 53% ,have been on various medication but now on ramipril 10mg and atenolol 50 mg daily due to high blood pressure,I feel tired most days and have had bouts of anaemia,I get blood pressure done every 2 months and go to renal clinics every 6 months ,just looking for advice on where this could be going from fellow sufferers as I feel I can't burden my family although they are very supportive,also my life insurance have asked for full access to my medical records ? Do wee need to keep informing them every time there are changes to our condition this could be every 6 months ....thanks for listening keep well all
advice Please !: Was diagnosed with IGA... - Early CKD Support
advice Please !

How is your thyroid Markthefixer67, often people with kidney problems have thyroid issues alongside B12. I have no thyroid (cancer 10 years ago), I have B12 injections every month, I also have kidney disease. I would say to you get your thyroid bloods checked and your B12 levels and post them on here. The thyroid site for your thyroid results and the P.A. site for your B12 blood result.
Good luck!
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Don't EVER think you are a burden to your family kidney deterioration is a slow process mine took 10 years to get to the point where I needed dialysis . I opted for PD which is done at night while a sleep so you have all day to live a pretty normal life. I've been on PD for 6 years and if followed by the book you can carry on working part time and have your independence. I'm now having to go on to HD that's where they take the blood out filter it and put it back I can be truthful and say I'm not looking forward to it but what must be , must be. I've been lucky to have a brilliant renal team at Doncaster Royal Infirmary they are faultless . Extremely supportive to my therapy needs if you have the same then you will be ok . The tiredness however is a bad side effect of renal failure but please please try to keep active and don't put weight on as you will have trouble when you get to transplant stage ! Keep your BMI below 30 for gods sake otherwise trying to loose weight is a million times harder with renal failure . I know because I have had this problem ! Anyway you have people around you that are supportive and people on here are always helpful keep positive and any questions message me