Hi there!
My name's molly and I’m a 16 year old, and am in year 11, my last year at school. I have been diagnosed with Meares Irlen Syndrome and Dyslexia since the age of 5.
I have always struggled with it, especially in school. For as long as i can remember my parents have had a constant battle with my teachers. ‘Shes intelligent. She just doesn’t try. She’s holding herself back’ are things i am overly used to hearing and rather sick of because in actual fact, im probably trying harder than anyone else in the class. All in all i have had 3 teachers over the years who truly have understood and helped me, and un-surprisingly they are the classes i have excelled the most in....and the teachers that don't believe i'm simply being difficult.
I've shoved a lot of my emotions from Dyslexia into sport, and can say that i wouldn't know where i would be without it. I've put my all into my horses and have become very attached and very dedicated. Being with my horses has given me something i'm not just told i'm good at, but that i can see and feel improvement... My horses over the years have shown me that, i do see things in a different way to so called 'normal' people, but that it's okay and if anything it's helped me and it's a gift. That's what Dyslexia should be seen as...a gift.
I realize the issues a lot of people, especially young people, have to deal with around Dyslexia and i believe it's time that everyone is a lot more aware of it. I believe teachers should be trained, that support should be given, and people should never think they are dealing with anything alone.
On my work experience in November 2011, i worked with Dyslexia Action and my eyes we're opened. I did a lot of work with the teachers, admin and psychologists. Along the way i met some lovely people, staff and clients who shared experiences and feelings with me...i had never really met anyone else with Dyslexia as such. I learnt a lot during those two weeks,i saw how much effort, determination and care was put into the heart of Dyslexia Action...I knew i wanted more to do with them on my paths, and to help in any way i could. So i'm thrilled that i have now been asked to regularly blog for them as they start their new forum here.
Hope i can help, encourage, support, teach and entertain you along the way!
Molly x