What low carb. snacks do you eat duri... - Diabetes Research...
What low carb. snacks do you eat during the Summer months for blood sugar control? Multiple choice.
Please select all that apply:
Olives, melon
What do you have with the olives and melon?

Nuts or a rice cake
What are your favorite nuts to eat for snacks? 😀👍
Love cashews and walnuts
That's great to hear. Do you have them both also mixed in for salads?
I eat handful of cashews, terribly addicted. I do have on salads as with walnuts. I eat walnuts on my cereal together with scoop of mixed seed I combine. Having read various articles I read to slow down the digestive process to mix seeds etc on carb meals.
No snacks
Take dried apricots (3 count as one a day) but also to protect against anemia something I have just recovered from. Fruit is my snack of choice in place of previous biscuits and cookies!
Fruit, crackers & cheese
Olives or plain avocado. (my HDL is usually too low so I try & eat avocado often), or hardboiled egg
These are really good and has a lot of protein. I eat hard boiled eggs for breakfast each day and eat olives with avocados on a salad and/or on the side.
I usually have cheddar cheese crisps, homemade trail mix or hummus with gluten free crackers for both snack and/or meals on hot temperature days. 😀👍