What bedtime snacks do you eat to kee... - Diabetes Research...
What bedtime snacks do you eat to keep the blood sugars stable while asleep? Multiple choice.
I don’t have a snack most of the time because, due to renal insufficiency I am allowed only 500 mg of Metformin per day which I take in the AM. Any snack at night would raise my blood sugar.
Any snack at in late evening would raise blood sugar!
I agree! If blood sugar is stable before bed it should stay that way, otherwise the basal rate/long lasting insulin rate isn't right. Unless there is another factor like major exercise, didn't calulate carbs/bolus correctly for dinner. Is this right?
With the long acting insulin, it depends on which one is used and how it affects the person who uses it. For me, I use a long acting insulin and take a very small amount before bed/with a snack and had been woken up a few days in a row because I was under 80 mg/dl by 12 am/midnight the next morning.
Ahhh...yes that is true. Forget that different insulins have different peak times. I use a pump only with basal and bolus rates with humalog fast acting therefore don't have that peak I used to on levemir long lasting. Hope you can figure out a good snack for those dips 🤗
I try not to have a night time snack but if I do it’s a couple of rich tea biscuits
How many tea biscuits is a serving?
Two or three
How many carbs. are in them?
Sorry not sure off the top of my head
No sorry or worries about it.
I think it’s about 5g per rich tea
I also suffer from IBS and angina so diet is very complicated, if I don’t eat my IBS kicks in, if I eat my sugars go up, it’s a horrible circle
Do you eat a gluten free diet for the IBS, as well?
Yes I eat free from mainly, if I eat ordinary bread I feel extremely unwell and my sugars go through the roof, I am on 40 units of insulin 1500 metformin a day and one trulisity a week
I've been on a gluten free diet for almost 7 years due to have a wheat/gluten intolerance/sensitivity to regular pasta/bread/cereals. The bars I eat for bedtime and sometimes during the day -- including the shakes are all gluten free. If I have anything made from wheat, I have severe cramps and other issues. I also count the carbs. to make sure the numbers won't go too high/low. My doctors know I'm eating gluten free when they ask if anything diet-related has changed.
Before I was on the trulisity I was on 150 units of insulin a day and my sugars were still off the scale
It would be good if someone done a report or something on diabetes with other complaints like IBS, I have to have a special diet for IBS, low fat for angina, low salt for kidney issues, I think a lot of the other issues apart from IBS come from diabetes, the IBS started 35 years ago my type two diabetes stared about 15 years ago.
I can see if there's any information that we can share about IBS and Diabetes that can be added under the Complications Topic. We have a Recipe Topic with a recipe and an introduction to the topic for Recipes. The recipe is for a cheesy gluten free meal. I can attach it to the poll in the next few minutes for you to see.
I also can’t tolerate caffeine or dairy, lucky for me I have a big garden so grow a lot of veg that is frozen and last most of the winter. I don’t go out to eat as it’s just to complicated. Mostly I live on free from toast for breakfast, free from roll for lunch with a pear and kangaroo potato a veg for Main meal kangaroo is low in saturated fat
I have a piece of hard cheese because I am on a low carb diet.
This is a great idea for a bedtime snack, Nightingales . How big are the slices of hard cheese?
I don’t feel the need to have a bedtime snack

I was diagnosed end of June 2021 with T2 diabetes, big shock, no symptoms, not inherited. EXTREMELY high HBa1C
I don’t always snack, been trying different things to try and lower starving glucose level, I’m still trying to work out what’s happening with my levels and having a difficult time. I definitely seems that I have ‘The Dawn Phenomenon’. Recently med changed to Empagliflozin only 10mg till see nurse again this week to increase to recommended dose.
What are the blood sugars when you're having the Dawn Phenomenon? What do you have when you have a snack? Some foods can raise the numbers too fast and too much. Please let us know what your doctor says after your upcoming appointment this week.
I have a telephone call with the diabetic nurse at the surgery. I can be say 6.8 before bed and have a starving reading of 8. Over the months my husband and I have monitored the bed time and starving levels and I’ve definite got the Dawn Phenomenon:(. The Diabetic nurse changed Metformin to the Empagliflozin about 3 weeks ago. I have been religiously noting my meals and glucose results since diagnosis and finding it difficult to get my levels consistent. When I was on Gliclizide and Metformin the glucose levels could go below 5 and even 4 sometimes. I’m still trying to work out when the best time for me to take the Empagliflozin. 😩
Do you usually test before taking the Empagliflozin? How fast does it start working after it had been taken? You can mention to the Diabetes Nurse about the lows you've had with it and see what time she/he says when you have your virtual appointment this week. Depending on what they say, this may involve having a snack each time before bed.
I'd eat any of these choices Leah, but I put 'other' as I'm not actually diabetic. My favourite protein shake is made with peanut powder in milk and I never say "no" to a cheese sandwich!
none i jsut have a glass of water & put my light out