What Low Carb. Fruits do you eat/use ... - Diabetes Research...
What Low Carb. Fruits do you eat/use the most to control blood sugars? This is a multiple choice poll.
Please select all that apply:
Hi. Would be great if "no fruit" was an option as well. "No fruit" has the least effect on BG compared to the other choices.
The question asks about using fruits to lower blood sugars. I must admit that I don't see fruit as a way to lower B.S. In my world I cut out all the beige food to try to lower it. Perhaps an article about the way we use fruit in this situation would be useful? I'm not doing very well with my B.S. control at the moment. I put it down to the extreme external stressors around me.
Hi Beek ,
Thank you for the suggestion of the low carb. fruit information article. I'll post one in a few days when I get the chance.
Yes, stress can cause blood sugars to go up or down when you're not expecting it to be too high or low. For me, if I have stress, the numbers can jump around for unexplained reasons, but then go back to normal after the stressful situation is over.
I don't want to go into too much detail but a husband with Alzheimers and a bipolar daughter in Oz, both are stressors that I have no control over, and the stress is constant. And I'm still receovering from triple bypass procedure in July. Really struggling right now.
My morning B S used to be between 8 - 9. Now it's frequently 14+ and beginning to worry me. I think they should rub me out and draw me again!
An information article would be extremely helpful - and greatly appreciated!
I will check Google and see what I can get for information.
Have you checked out the Care Community on HU? healthunlocked.com/care-com... They deal with Alzheimer’s and other forms of Dementia.
Here's a link to the low carb. fruits chart from diet vs . disease website. Go to: mk0dietvsdiseascuno2.kinsta...