What is eGFR ?: - Dialysis Support
What is eGFR ?
Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate....
"eGFR uses the result of your Creatinine test with your age and sex to estimate an approximate percentage kidney function. eGFR is only an approximate number, but gives a better idea of kidney function than Creatinine alone. If you are of black African origin, you should add 20% to the figure (this correction is unlikely to have been made in the lab but may rarely have already been made in your renal unit). Normal is over 90 ml/min/1.73m2. 'Normal' eGFR is the same for all ages and for men and women. Calculating eGFR doesn't make sense in patients on dialysis, and most dialysis patients won't see an eGFR result on Renal PatientView. If you are on dialysis and an eGFR is shown, ignore it.
over 90 - Normal
60-90 - This may be slightly reduced, but because eGFR is only an estimate of kidney function, many people with eGFR 60-90 are normal. An eGFR of 60-90 should only be used as evidence of kidney disease if there are other things wrong - such as protein or blood on urine tests, or other tests showing kidney disease - or if it is a big change from a previous eGFR.
30-60 - Moderately severe kidney damage. This is known as Stage 3 CKD
15-30 - Severe kidney damage, Stage 4 CKD. Anaemia and bone disease become common problems as kidney function drops below eGFR 25.
below 15 - This is known as Stage 5 CKD. An average figure for commencing dialysis in the UK is 8 to 10, but this varies a lot - lower in some people, higher in others.
eGFR is only reliable in patients who are reasonably well, and not in hospital. Even then it may be quite inaccurate in some people - usually people with much more or much less muscle than usual. So it will be misleading in people with paralysis, or who have lost a leg, or who have lost a lot of weight (muscle)."
(Taken from Renal Patient View)
GFR is Glomerular Filtration Rate. The Glomerular is the structure in the Kidney that is responsible for filtering fluid and regulating blood chemical levels, either passing them out in the urine or keeping these chemicals in the body. The rate at which the Glomerular works is used as an indication of the amount of Kidney function you have and at certain levels of GFR drs will make decisions about your care and treatment. I hope this simple explanation helps? I would recommend that you discuss any further questions with your doctor or physician.