My nan is in hospital and her kidneys have failed. She is producing no urine at all and is on a dialysis machine. Can you go on and live a good life with no kidney function? Could they start working again?
Can you come back from kidney failure? - Dialysis Support
Can you come back from kidney failure?
I don't know why nan's kidneys have failed or what other problems she has. All I know is that in the dialysis unit we go to there are lots of elderly patients some well into there eighties who seem to be doing ok. Some of them have been dialysing for many years. One lady has been dialysing for 18 years and although she is not dashing around she still has a good life with her family. It is very very scary when this happens but with love and support, and she will need a lot of it, she should come through and still have a good is a bit different life. One lady at the unit has retrieved some kidney function back after being on dialysis for a year and now only comes once a week. Who know it is in the lap of the gods but don't give up. Wishing her and the family well
Only if it is 'acute' kidney failure (maybe due to a sudden infection, or shock to the body, or sometimes pregnancy) in that case the kidneys might be functioning but 'go into shock' and need temporary dialysis.
Chronic, kidney failure means the kidneys are unlikely to recover and dialysis or a transplant are needed.
If a person has SOME kidney function left they made need more dialysis.