I am becoming increasingly confused over the question of blood pressure and how high or low it can be. Before my husband went on to dialysis we had been drilled by various consultants on the need to keep his BP in check and, at one time, he was on three different typed of medication. Last year before dialysis the consultant took away his tablets as he said they were making things worse and left him with just Doxazasin. The unit we attend stopped these as they say controlling the amount of fluid will keep his BP in check. Some hope. He goes in at about 164/80 has 1,500 of fluid removed and his BP is the same as when he went in. I have asked the consultant, via an intermediary, and have been told that nothing needs to be done. I have read that the main cause of death in renal failure patients is heart attack and stroke so I am not comforted. Also do other people object to having the consultant do a ward round once a month rather than having a private consultation. The ward round to me always seems to be rushed and you are mostly standing by the patient. Any comment would be helpful. Thanks
Haemodialysis and blood pressure - Dialysis Support
Haemodialysis and blood pressure
I know they say there is supposed to be a correlation between BP and fluid, that said my experience was that no matter how much fluid was taken off during Haemo, my BP was always through the roof 190/100 area! finally managed to get it under control with the right combo of drugs (I found a beta blocker made the difference for me). The body is not clockwork, there are many other factors at play that effect the various systems. Dr's will have you think that they understand all the causal factors but they simply don't. If you are not happy with the way your specialist is treating you, don't be afraid to request someone else. This is your life and you must honour yourself by getting the best possible treatment. Hope this helps, if you are interested in seeking more answers try here: kidneycoach.com There is a lot you can do to help yourself. Good luck.
Thank you for the advice. I will pursue this with the consultant as, given your experience, fluid reduction is not the only answer. So nice to have help from someone who has been there instead of academics. I am getting more forceful in my approach to the medical profession instead of trusting them to know what is best. Thanks for the link, I will try it later. Regards Florence
I've found that if my fluid levels before and after are about right, it doesn't actually really change my blood pressure. That is actually an okay blood pressure, 120/80 is about average and the bottom number is the most important as that's the pressure in your heart when it's resting Although tablets can also help, it is best to try and control it in other ways if possible as obviously the less tablets you're on the better. If you don't like ward rounds have a word with your doctor and I'm sure you'll be able to work something out Good Luck!