I am interested in finding out allergy reaction with hives to the above 2 metformin medication.Thank you.
Any one had side effect allergy reaction ... - Diabetes India
Any one had side effect allergy reaction (hives) Metformin Sukkarto or Metformin Hydrochloride?

Have you talked to your doctor about the medication and the allergic reaction it may cause, sandybrown ?
I got the answer to my question on "Metformin Sukkarto" from the supplier.
There is not enough data for people over 75 to take this medication and have gone back to my doctor.
Still waiting for a response on this Metformin Hydrochloride.
Very interesting finding.
Corn starch is very low in salicylates and glutamates and so can be included in the elimination diet. Although it is made from corn it is so highly processed that it is not really like the original corn or corn flour.
I look at the ingredients for Beechams powder, this also has Corn starch.
Back in 1979 I took Beechams powder for cold and the reaction was swelling of mouth, lips and face.
The problem is not all the time I get reaction but it depends on what combination of food I eat, daily antihistamine helps to control the reactions to food and drinks.
I am happy I have identified the component Corn starch.
Take care.