Sir pls tell if v start medication how many days it will take to bringdown BG level or what other factors affects this process
Suggestion needed: Sir pls tell if v start... - Diabetes India
Suggestion needed
Atleast one month of medication would help bring down BS levels substantially. Stay away from stress and sugar. Take low carb diet. Eat small portions at a time. Eat only 3 or 4 times a day.
After 15 days of medication in mng glycomet gp1 before bf and diet it came around fbs117 ppBS 134 114 or less than FBS 94 104 like what 2hrs after dinner around 135 what it indicates madam
Fasting blood sugar should be less than 100 mg/dL.
Postprandial blood sugar (2 hours after taking food) should be less than 140 mg/dL.
The effectiveness of medication increases along with low-carbohydrate + moderate protein/ fat diet and physical exercise.
Glycomet GP1 (brand name) consists of glimepiride (1 mg) and metformin (500 mg).