can i take right away food just after injecting insulin
Insulin: can i take right away food just... - Diabetes India

Yes.But it is recommended that you take about 10 min.before food.

Hi Lalliana ,
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Dealing with the question about when to take insulin, as Hidden had mentioned, ask the Pharmacist and/or your doctor. Each brand of insulin is different and may work differently for other people. I personally take the short acting insulin after eating a meal. The long acting insulin I take can be done before or after eating my bedtime snack-- depending on the blood sugars. I hope this helps.
"It's very individualistic, based on the type of insulin the person is on," says Laura Wise, RN, BSN, CDE, CMSN, a certified diabetes educator at Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis. If you take rapid-acting insulin (Humalog, NovoLog, or Apidra), you'll inject your dose no more than 10 to 15 minutes before you eat. Regular insulin and a mix including regular should be taken 30 minutes before a meal.
yhere are types of insulin. instant acting eat food within 10 minutes rest act after half hour
there are types of insulins instant acting eat within 10 minutes rest act after half hour