Are there any Natural Herbs or Seeds to Improve Blood Circulation & simultaneously purify blood
Herbs or Seeds to Improve Blood Circulation - Diabetes India
Herbs or Seeds to Improve Blood Circulation

Gingkobiloba a chinese herb is very good for blood circulation. I don't know the English name for that which we call '' perugu thotakura'' in telugu which is good for blood circulation & which improves hemoglobin count with in 15 days , if taken daily.A caution we have to follow is any thing in excess is bad.
The liver and kidneys do a pretty good job of purifying the blood.
If you are looking to improve peripheral circulation, (a diabetic complication) then you would be better off changing your diet rather than shooting in the dark with herbal supplements..
It is not shooting in dark . It is tested and confirmed observation.

Provide me with evidence other than anecdote and I will reconsider my position!
Evidence means , engineered reports or doctored publications ?
Any medicine or any theory may not given proof to everybody so it may not be given proof with evidence If the person takes ayurvdic or homeopathic if he feels good control he may not given proof how it is control
Similarly sulfunalurea drugs glipizide may suitable and control but mostof the person it may not help ? they take glimepride or gliclazide and some may take Janumet or others so no proof given If other person used it may be help him or not ?
Similarly Magneto theory accupressure Rekhi system mayhelp to some but not possible to given evidnce Since this is not mathematics
In mathematics we may given proof that 2 +2 = 4 but in medical is not possible
Yoga pranayam etc may not possible to given proof .
If the person personally invoves that system it may be found it.
This is the public forum every peerson may start discussion any type Accupressure magneto theory ayurvedic homeopathic and allopathy also. But no one may not used this forum as marketing their products.
Those interested persons may use and find wether it helps or not ? those who not interested in that method left out and simply look another discussion .

God give me strength!
Provide me evidence and prove where is God staying and how he given strength
Neem is good for blood purification...but don't use in excess and any bitter herb is not good for eyes if used for long time...try using fresh amla as chutney, it can be used everyday ....
Anulom Vilom(Alternate nostril breathing) pranayama is good for nervous system problems and skin problems...