With the toing and froing of the various regimes presented here there is one unassailable fact.
If you are a type 2 diabetic it is because of your diet and lifestyle, and unless you identify and eliminate the foods that have caused your disease then you are faced with a lifetime of medicines and a deterioration in health, for make no mistake, it is impossible to match the exquisite sugar control the pancreas exercises no matter how careful you are with testing and dosage.
Any body read Dr. Bernstein? A type ONE diabetic. Do some research and see what real control is. His credentials are impeccable.
For those who don't know KISS stands for Keep It Simple Stupid - a contraction of Occam's razor:
Once you have identified the cause of your T2 and the best way forward you need to apply it, for if you flounder around looking for the magic bullet that will enable you to continue eating the foods you prefer, the brutal truth is that you prefer to be T2 diabetic.