All the cholostrol TG etc. are normal.
Whether a person switching over to LCHF die... - Diabetes India
Whether a person switching over to LCHF diet has to continue taking anti-cholostrol drug (ecospirin AV 75 containing atorvastatin 10mg)?
Just for reference : FH stands for Familial hypercholesterolemia its relatively rare genetic mutation
I'm on LCHF Diet have both HBS and HBP so no worries many around the world with very longer history of Diabetes switched over to this diet and reaping the benefits from this .
What are your BS and lipid levels?
FBS 104, PPBS 164, Total cholestrol 136, HDL 38, LDL 77, VLDL 21, Serum TG 105, Serum total Lipids 377. When blood test was done PPBS was 224 and the Diabetician prescribed Gemer I 500 mg twice a day from once a day. Hba1c was 7.4. He also prescribed additional dose of Matformin 500 mg for one month to decrease PPBS, but within four days I stopped due to hypoglycemia as advised by my daughter (physician). Now I am switching over to LCHF and the above BS readings are latest (3 days back). I am 60 year old retired Central govt. Employee with no office tension at all now. My BP is normal at 120/80 as I am taking Metoprolol 50 mg and Losar-H in the morning. My weight is slowly coming down from 84 to 80. Target is to reach 70. What Medfree sir told is proved, Diabetic specialists feel happyo prescribe more drugs.
I thank the members for the kind response to my query and clarifications furnished.
medfree the GENIUS!!!!!! you are the most vital source of inspiration for all of us, God bless U in yr endeavors, God bless us all w/good health!!!!!!!