It is claimed that "sucanon" capsules taken... - Diabetes India

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It is claimed that "sucanon" capsules taken regularly reverses diabetes. Can we get rid of other medicines being taken. Your opinion pls?

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How does it work?What is it.s composition?Who is making and supplying them?

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Sucanon™ is a herbal dietary supplement, with a very favorable toxicity profile. Sucanon™ is not plagued with the carcinogenicity, toxicity and other negative side-effects of other drugs approved for diabetes.


The insulin regulating and metabolic effects of Sucanon™ were discovered in the laboratories of Biotech Holdings in Richmond, B.C., Canada. This led to the filing of broad patents which are pending. Preclinical and clinical testing was arranged in China at prestigious academic and clinical institutions.

A complete NDA was filed with the Chinese Health Authorities and Sucanon™ has been approved without restriction as a prescription drug for the treatment of Type II diabetes, as well as being approved for treatment of Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT), a condition that frequently precedes Type II Diabetes. The drug was marketed in that-country for a period of three years but ceased to be marketed because of management difficulties in the Chinese subsidiary.

Supplementary clinical trials were conducted in Brazil during 1999, showing Sucanon™ to be safe and effective for the treatment of Adult-Onset (Type II) Diabetes, with the critical glycosylated hemoglobin level (HbAlc) reduced to an average of 5.85% at the end of the trial.

Description of Sucanon™

Sucanon™ is a potent member of a new class of anti-diabetic agents. It is a small molecular weight compound in the form of a small, coated tablet that is easily swallowed. Tablets are packaged in blister packs conveniently presented for patient use.

Sucanon™ showed a therapeutic index in rodents in excess of 10,000, which is an unusually high margin of safety.. Six month oral toxicity studies in dogs and rodents revealed a distinctly unremarkable toxicity profile at doses of 500 and 2000 times the clinical dose.

? Reproductive and fetal toxicity – were negative at all stages

? Carcinogenicity and mutagenicity — studies were negative

? Safety pharmacology —- did not reveal any action which could be problematic

Preclinical and Clinical Data Show that Sucanon™

? Promotes action of insulin at many levels in the cell

? Enhances metabolism of striated muscle

? Corrects clinical and experimental diabetes mellitus

? Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides in diabetics

Clinical Experience

Clinical studies have been carried out in both healthy adult volunteers and adult patients with diabetes mellitus of both sexes. Ethical review and informed consent were obtained in all human studies.

The pivotal study for submission was a randomized, double blind, triple parallel group active and placebo controlled, six month, multi-center comparative study of the objective and subjective efficacy and safety of oral Sucanon™ in patients with NIDDM (non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus). Many of these patients were symptomatic.

The results of this study showed that Sucanon™ was associated with:

? Reduced symptomatology of disease,

? Toxicity profile that was difficult to distinguish from placebo,

? Significantly reduced hyperglycemia and glycosuria,

? Significantly reduced hypercholesteroloemia & tryglyceridemia,

? High level of patient acceptability, and

? Significantly improved quality of life


An NDA (New Drug Application) was submitted and approved in China. Sucanon™ was approved as an oral prescription drug for first line therapy of NIDDM (Type 2 diabetes) in adults without restriction. A clinical study was completed in Brazil in 1999, further demonstrating the safety and efficacy of Sucanon™. A regulatory submission was made in Mexico and regulatory approval was received in 2003

Clinical Results


Sucanon™ is the first member of a new class of diabetic drugs that was discovered in the research laboratories of Biotech Holdings Ltd., in Vancouver, British Columbia. The pre-clinical and clinical work was done in China and Sucanon was approved following a submission of an NDA in China. Supplementary clinical work was conducted in BraziI and this has shown that the same clinical activity can be reproduced in a non-Asian population.


Sucanon™ is a small, water soluble, stable compound that is synthesized and then formulated into tablets. Compared to other commercial hypoglycemic agents (i.e. low blood sugar), Sucanon™ is a very potent member of its class. It is several times more potent than insulin, and many hundred fold more potent than most commercialized hypoglycemic agents. The adult dose of Sucanon™ is around 2 mg per day.

Clinical Studies

The clinical benefits of Sucanon™ have been demonstrated in a double-blind, randomized, controlled, multi-center, efficacy and safety study in 370 adult patients with Type II diabetes conducted in China. Sucanon™ tablets were administered – one in the morning and one in the evening. The duration of this study was 6 months – four months of treatment; one month evaluation, and one month post-treatment follow-up. Glibenclamide is a commonly prescribed sulfonylurea and its benefits and limitations have been well known to diabetologists for over a decade.

The parameters of response to this study included an evaluation of the changes in clinical signs and symptoms of diabetes, any alteration in the blood and urine measurements of glucose metabolism, and any alteration in blood lipid levels.

The results indicated that patients receiving either Glibenclamide or Sucanon™ responded in a relevant clinical manner and the differences from baseline measurements were statistically significant. The lack of response in patients who were randomized to receive placebo was also unequivocal. In this group the effect of administration was clinically small or non-existent, and the baseline to treatment difference was statistically insignificant.

Response to therapy was documented both by loss of or a reduction in symptoms (including polyuria, polvdipsia, polyphagia, and fatigue), but also by a reduction to normal or near normal levels in the elevated fasting blood glucose and urinary sugar, and a normalization of the glucose tolerance test.

The improvements associated with therapy for the Glibenclamide group of patients and the Sucanon™ group of patients were both better than placebo for all parameters measured, to a level that was statistically significant. Elevated cholesterol and trigylceride levels in the blood were reduced to normal or near normal levels on Sucanon™ therapy. The level of reduction in cholesterol and triglyceride was clinically and statistically significant. A response analysis was done by the study coordinator in China and it was stated to be highly significant for Sucanon™ therapy with an overall response rate of 87%. In addition, the toxicity profile after daily treatment for four months was difficult to distinguish from placebo.

Business Development

Biotech Holdings began marketing of Sucanon in China in 1997 through its subsidiary VoIque Pharmaceutical, but suspended distribution in 2000 due to contractual and a change of strategic direction, with the new emphasis on Latin American markets. In 2001 and 2003. Sucanon was granted regulatory approval in Peru and Mexico. Beginning in 2006, Sucanon™ was distributed in Mexico. Subsequently marketing was initiated in other countries.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. What is Sucanon?

A. Sucanon is a herbal dietary supplement that may help the body to make better use of its own insulin, the hormone that controls blood sugar levels. Sucanon is taken as a tablet, usually one in the morning and one in the late afternoon, about 10 hours apart.

Q. What is the daily dosage of Sucanon?

A. One tablet of Sucanon taken twice per day.

Q. Should I take Sucanon with meals?

A. The recommended way to use Sucanon is to take a tablet in the morning, before your morning meal, and again in the evening, before your evening meal.

Q. Can I take more than the daily dose of Sucanon?

A. Sucanon should be taken as indicated on the package (i.e. two tablets per day). There is a minimal risk to taking more than two tablets daily, but clinical data (conducted outside the United States) indicates that more than two tablets daily will not improve insulin sensitivity or blood sugar beyond normal levels.

Q. Can I take Sucanon with food?

A. Sucanon should preferably be taken before your morning meal and again before your evening meal.

Q. What is the active ingredient in Sucanon?

A. Sucanon is a multi-component product which contains both natural and synthetic ingredients. The natural ingredient is derived from a dried plant root (root of tricosanthis) and the synthetic ingredient is derived from a form of molybdenum.

Q. What is the chemical name of Sucanon?

A. The chemical name for Sucanon is manitolatodimolybdate.

Q. Is Sucanon a prescription product?

A. In the United States or Canada, Sucanon is being marketed as a herbal dietary supplement.

Q. Is there anyone who should not take Sucanon?

A. Sucanon should not be taken by the following groups:

? A woman who is pregnant or nursing,

? Type I or insulin-injecting diabetics, because increasing the cells’ sensitivity to insulin could lead to hypoglycemia (i.e. lowering blood sugar too far).

? Children or teenagers, since Sucanon has not been tested with these age groups.

? Any person age < 18

? Person with keto-acidosis

Q. Can Sucanon be taken in combination with other Type 2 Diabetes medications?

A. Other medications should only be started or stopped with the approval of your doctor.

Q. If I am a Type 1 (insulin-injecting) diabetic, can Sucanon help me?

A. No, Sucanon is not intended for use by Type 1 diabetics, since the combination of the extra insulin and increase in insulin sensitivity can lead to hypoglaecemia (low blood sugar).

Q. If I travel to Mexico, can I buy Sucanon and bring it back with me?

A. Yes, if you are a Type 2 diabetic, you can bring Sucanon for personal use back with you, to a limit of three months’ supply at one time. Alternatively, you can order up to 3 months supply from this web-site.

Q. Does Sucanon need special storage?

A. Sucanon should be kept in a cool dry place.

Q. What is the shelf life of Sucanon?

A. Sucanon should remain good for at least one year or longer if kept refrigerated.

You & Sucanon can work

Symptoms and problems that often affect Type 2 diabetics and pre-diabetics may affect you.

Sucanon can assist you to reduce and solve a number of problems and symptoms that you may have that often affect people who develop Type 2 Diabetes, including the following:

High blood sugar: Clinical studies have shown that Sucanon can reduce blood sugar readings by about 25% – 30%, bringing high blood sugar back into the normal range. If your non-fasting blood sugar is above 200 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter) or your fasting blood sugar is above 126 mg/dL, Sucanon can help bring your blood sugar back into the normal range.

Fatigue: Fatigue is a frequent symptom of Type 2 Diabetes and the pre-diabetic condition called Impaired Glucose Tolerance. If fatigue or general tiredness affects you, Sucanon may be able to assist. Clinical studies of Sucanon have shown that it can reduce fatigue.

Weight gain: People who are diabetic or pre-diabetic often gain weight because their insulin-resistance results in sugar being converted into fat instead of being burned to produce energy. Also, some diabetic drugs are associated with weight gain. Many people who have taken Sucanon report both weight loss and increased energy.

Excess thirst and urination: Type 2 diabetes often leads to higher-than-normal levels of blood sugar. This causes thirst, which in turn can lead to increased frequency of urination. Clinical studies show that Sucanon can reduce both excess thirst and excess urination.

High cholesterol and triglyceride levels: People who are diabetic or pre-diabetic often have elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Clinical studies have shown that Sucanon can reduce the levels of both cholesterol and triglycerides.

Side effects from diabetic medications: In addition to assisting with the problems outlined above, Sucanon also has no side effects. This differentiates Sucanon from many other anti-diabetic products, which can have effects on digestion, the liver or the heart.

Sucanon™ is a new herbally-based medication that helps the body improve the use of its own insulin, the hormone that controls blood sugar levels. The increased sensitivity to insulin leads to decreased blood sugar levels. Sucanon has been shown to reduce the symptoms of Type II Diabetes, including weight gain, fatigue, excess thirst and excess urination.

Sucanon™ has been tested on more than 7,000 people with no adverse effects. Sucanon™ helps to reduce the symptoms of fatigue, weakness, excess thirst, frequent urination and unwanted weight gain so often associated with Type II Diabetes.

Sucanon™ is produced in Canada, packaged in Mexico and is now available online. If you or your doctor would like more information about Sucanon™ , click above on about Sucanon™.

in reply to ralingam

Seems a miracle drug.Hope somebody who has used it will post a blog here.

ashokraddy profile image

pl dont believe online drugs

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