I have fear of the outside world...it happens everyday..lost in my world of not answering the phone or going outside..the store...
Fear: I have fear of the outside world... - Diabetes & Hypert...
I too wish I could hide away on most days. I get so stressed out by being around a bunch of people. I don't go out with friends because they all live very far from me. I have no real local friends that I would go for dinner and drinks. The most time I spend with a human is my daughter. Her friends and I get along so we can have some intelligent conversations between us all. And I started wearing headphones when I shop. I need the music to block out the conversations of the other shoppers. And I hate talking on the phone.
Imhisfirecracker, you do what you feel makes you comfortable. You make your decisions on how you want to live. Fear is hard to conquer but those who try to force you to face those fears may not understand what it is like. I try to not stay hidden at home and not avoid speaking to others. Sometimes I find it hard to hide because of my obligations. But if you can find distractions you can use when out in public or outside, maybe that can help you be more social. Headphones with music or an audio book, humming, going over lyrics or poems in your head, remembering good times with family, friends or pets, favorite books. You might be able to change your fear little by little. Sending you prayers and hugs!