Wonder if LWMDR contains Lignan? Buck wheat does but than it is a seed and not grain.
Does lignan containing foods really h... - Diabetes & Hypert...
Does lignan containing foods really help reduce or manage blood glucose levels?

There is nothing magical about long wheat.
Sure it might be better than modern wheat in that it might be a resistant starch ie takes longer to digest and does not spike blood sugar as much. The same effect can be got from for example Garbanzo (chick) peas or other legumes that take considerable preparation before consuming.
MikePollard: I have found spikes on taking chickpea as bad as wheat and sugar! (People talk about bitter gourd (Karela) too..yes it has same content as Glucophage (Metformin) but to get benefit of just 850 mg. you will have to take 4 pounds of Karela!
Buck wheat which is a seed and not grain, has Lignan and magnesium etc. (I suppose the chemical content of LDMWR has not been mentioned on this platform)...
I would challenge that statement. Sure, chickpea is a carbohydrate and will spike sugar and insulin. However, the point is when you balance that against white bread, rice and potatoes, chick peas would come out better. We are talking about the nebulous claims of long wheat as a miracle cure here, and I would like to see how resistant starch, such as cold potato (and other resistant starches) would stack up when used as a substitute in the LWMDR.
It is said that lignan containing foods reduce bad cholesterol , reduce cardiovascular diseases and contribute to colon health .Rye , oats , barley , all green vegetables pumpkin , sesame seeds are said to be lignan containing food .If blood glucose levels are managed , it is well and good . If not also , there is no harm .
By the way is buckwheat is same as long wheat?