what is faster way of treating diabet... - Diabetes & Hypert...
what is faster way of treating diabetes? is it transferable
It is not transferable because it is not a disease but a metabolic disorder.It cannot be cured but can be managed within limits and minimize the damage to the body.Please consider the following points for managing diabetes.
Management of sugar levels is a tough job but is not impossible if you realize that the task is essentially in your own hands. The doctor or dietician may guide you but ultimately it is you who has to put into practice all that has been learnt. Diet control makes maximum difference in a diabetic condition. Avoid sugar,sweets,and any food that is loaded with sugars like mango,banana etc. Also avoid vegetables like potato,beet,sweet potato etc that grow underground. Eat more of sprouts,vegetables and greens that give you fiber,minerals and vitamins. Eat less of rice,wheat and other cereals rich in carbohydrates and demand more insulin for converting to energy. The idea should be to reduce consumption by least 200 to 300 calories per day to gain significant results.
After diet,exercise plays a very important role. Walking or jogging for 40 to 60 minutes a day will improve your glucose metabolism significantly and spend about 200 calories.
Last but not the least one should lead a stress free life style. Stress is a recognized trigger for diabetes. Practice relaxation techniques like breathing exercises,yoga etc.
You should go for quarterly check ups and annual comprehensive review with an experienced diabetologist and follow the prescriptions scrupulously
Ultimately the most important person in your diabetes management is Y O U.
Diabetes can only be treated and cured with herbal treatment but can't with conventional medication. the diet aspect is very important, the individual have to learn to eat according to his blood type, avoid sugary food and fruits, avoid late night meals, avoid wheats, corn and excess carbohydrates meals, food like organic oats, brown rice and millets are very helpful. herbs like licorice, Jambul, mistltoe and codonopsis are very good for diabetic patients, over the years i have treated diabetic patients with herbs and have a positive results so I'm confident and sure that using herb is the best way to treat and cure diabetes.
pls i'm available to anyone who need help and advice, +233261481195 or globammfon@yahoo.com
Recently seen a video by a PHd doctor explaining excellent ways to treat the diabetes naturally in 21 days. just try this link maybe useful. tinyurl.com/qbbvmc3