I have discovered that if you have problems with new version of IOS you can go back to the version that worked for you by signing into iTunes. Get instructions online. Unfortunately I am also sight impaired so not able to do that without help.
Apple revert to previous system: I have discovered... - deafPLUS
Apple revert to previous system

Hi, it’s Geoff here, the easiest way to resolve connecting problems to app, is to delete App and put a new one on and reconnect aids, start over, updating IOS can upset hearing aid connecting.
Thanks Geoff. At long last iPad has settled down again and Bluetooth not dropping out all the time. I cannot make up my mind whether I Resoundlove Apple or hate them. Now there is another update and I’m really anxious about loading it.
I hear pretty good with Bluetooth but not talking face to face. Would it be unethical to find a different audiologist to see if I can get better hearing from my Resound Linx aids? How often do you think someone should have a hearing test?
I trust all is well with you. Keep up the good work.
Hi, you should be looking at least once a year, I have open door where one can request a test at any time, if you have Apple the aids are connected by Wireless 2.4Ghz, really you should delete and reinstall the App after every update to make sure there is a stable connection, and the aids may have a firmware update due, so you have to keep on top of everything .