have a hearing problem , sometimes i cannot hear if two or more people are talking at the same time can this be treated without wearing a hearing device? Please advise
have a hearing problem , sometimes i cannot hear if two or more people are talking at the same time can this be treated without wearing a hearing device? Please advise
You need a hearing test to determine if it is a hearing loss. May be an infection or wax build up if only at times you have problems. Your gp should be 1st call
I'm an audiologist (hearing and balanced specialist who prescribes hearing aids if necessary).
You have not given enough info about you're problems. Age? Noise exposure? Issues in both ears?
See your GP. If over 50 (or 55 in some areas) the GP should refer you directly to an audiologist to see about criteria for hearing aids. Natural age related hearing loss would could issues in groups/ noise at first but may not benefit from hearing aid(s). GP should ask about tinnitus, check your ears for wax and ask about past history before deciding on a correct referral. If your younger and they say ears are clear etc and no past infections of ear/tinnitus/vertigo, you should press for an ENT referral.
Cholesteatoma is normally only present in one ear.
Quick answer..... NO, you must wear two if possible
Hi, I know this was posted a little while ago, so I'm not sure if you'll see this, but I just wanted to answer anyway!
I have Auditory Processing Disorder, which means that my brain has trouble processing sound in background noise, so basically if there are several people talking or there is a lot happening in the background (printers, fans, buzzing etc...) I struggle to process the sound I'm hearing and therefore can't understand what people are saying. This happens even if you don't have a hearing loss as it's not a problem with not being able to hear, it's an issue with not being able to process the sound.
I do have a slight loss in my left ear and wear a small aid ( but this loss is unrelated to the APD), so it might be possible to help without an aid, doing things such as coping techniques, learning to lip read, etc...
I would suggest that you try and speak to a specialist audiology who knows about APD, as it's a relatively new and unheard of thing! They have certain tests that they can do, testing speech recognition against background noise, instead of just the 'beep, beep' test they do.
It is dependent also on whether you do have a hearing loss, it could be that you do and then a hearing aid is the way to go, or it could be that you don't have a hearing loss when a hearing aid wouldn't help!
But it's nothing to worry about wearing a hearing aid, if you need it and it will help you then it's great! I certainly don't mind wearing mine as I know it allows me to be more social in situations where I wouldn't be able to cope without it! x