I was a truck driver for a total of 31yrs and also worked as a mechanic during that time. I also worked as a volunteer Firefighter/E.M.T. for over 20 years, but in 2003 my doctor declared that I was unable to work due to severe anxiety and depression. I was awarded S.S.D.I. in 2004 and am on it to this day. I was dx'd with Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome/Dysautonomia in 2010 and with PD or possible M.S.A. in 2011. I am 57 yrs of age and am unable to do any physical labor of any kind w/o becoming short of breath and/or experiencing chest pains. My Cardiologist ordered me to have valve repair surgery done A.S.A.P. about 6 months ago but upon the advice of my neurologist, I was told not to have it done, because it most likely would cause the dysautonomia to worsen. I am now experiencing symptoms of C.H.F. along with the PD symptoms, i.e., tremors and ataxia. I have never been married (been engaged 3 times), mostly due to my illness and now am looking for that special lady who would be able to deal with my symptoms and not become weary of my inability to work, which is very difficult to do. I am still able to care for my personal needs i.e., eating, dressing, walking, shopping, and a limited amount of driving. I pray that the Lord will send me that special lady who would be tolerant of my health condition and love me for who I am. I am an ordained minister of the Gospel and a certified Suicide Prevention Counselor which helps me to cope with the difficulty of getting through each day unable to perform the duties I once took for granted. I do thank the Lord for allowing me to serve Him in ways I thought I never could and without Him, I wouldn't have the strength to make it through a single day.
My life with P.D. and M.V.P.S. Dysautonomia - Cure Parkinson's
My life with P.D. and M.V.P.S. Dysautonomia

You sound like a guy who has a lot to give and I'm sure you will find what you're looking for.
First I must say thanks for being a fire fighter and how you fill the Boot for Muscular Dystrophy. My three youngest have MD and I have PD. Actually I was helping collect for MD since I was 10 years old so 40 years. No we dont have MD anywhere in either my husbands or my family. God told me when I was 10 to learn about MD so I did. Now all thee years later we have kids with MD. Our local Fire Dept adopted us when we moved out in the country. They say our house is station 9's an ex. When my youngest developed heart and lung issues they were here all the time. Secondly you should be thankful who your special lady my husband is not helpful and has not been with the kids ever. Third, God has a plan and I figure this is part of his plan. I believe you were a fire fighter and EMT for lots of reasons. The tools you learned on those jobs equipped you for the tasks he has set for you. Folks would be lucky to have you as a minister and suicide prevention counselor, I was a CPS worker for many years before I became a stay at home mom.
Have a Blessed Day
I suppose having a Cross to bare in life makes us stronger and more so if we have religious beliefs.
I always reckon if fate has in store for us good fortune or bad we should always make the most of it.
I wish you all the very best
May our God grant you the desires of your heart. Where did you say you live now?
Thank you,