I try to maintain a good excersize program including a "brisk" daily walk. In spite of this, I seem to be more bent-forward and slow each day. Is there anyone who has found a type or amount of excersize which will slow the progression? I have seen many PWP who walk normally and show no posture problems. (My apology to those with more serious mobility problems).
Has anyone been able to ward off, or hold... - Cure Parkinson's
Has anyone been able to ward off, or hold back, the "Parkinson's Shuffle" and the stoop shouldered posture that goes with it?

Yoga helps a bit used as part of your overall exercise program.
The BIG exercise program developed by Dr Becky Farley PHD PT is probably the best. Go to PWRGYM.org and see if there is a PT program near you.
There are no BIG locations near me, but I thank you for the introduction to the work and philosophy of Dr. Farley. Her long muscle workouts and her concentration on bradykenesia show promise of being able to slow its progress.
and tai chi is good fo rbalance abd posture
lol jilll
As everyone says, it's exercise, exercise. I use weights lifting them with both arms extended to the sides and overhead and that seems to keep my erect posture after 9 years so something about it helps! The stretching afterwards is also a big help. A daily regime for me
Sorry I should have added that I also do press-ups with my chin touching the floor to give my shoulders a good work out as well
I use the Wii-Fit for Balance but am going to try Tai-Chi
-------and exercise some more!!!! I do the same deltoid exercise but undoubtedly with much less weight, having been one of the victims of the "Simvistatin debacle" some years ago, which destroyed much of my muscle tissue. I intend to follow your lead, double the weight and increase the reps. If it has worked for you for nine years, it is certainly worth trying.
Thanks for the help.
Yoga and an ever vigilant process in my mind when I'm walking. "OK now..... Stand up straight.... Shoulders back....Posture" My gait is the most difficult. I hate it when I shuffle and "stutter step"
I'm going to PD exercise classes: movement, alexander technique and NIA , and we deal with lots of techniques for the shuffle and round shoulder. It's fun too. I frequently walk reciting "heel, toe, shoulders wide," etc. Hey it's NEw York City. Nothing is strange on the street here
Thanks for the info. Never heard of alexander technique and NIA nor reciting "heel, toe, shoulders wide". My PT did get me into heel toe walking though.Think we need to get away from worrying what we look like when we walk. Safety 1st.
yes heel toe walkaiagn is essential - liek bein ga baby and learninng to walk again
lo;l \jill
The Alexander technique aims to teach people how to stand, hold themselves and move differently in order to eliminate unnecessary tension in their bodies. It is an educational process, not a relaxation technique or form of exercise. The Alexander technique has been shown to be helpful for people suffering from tension headaches, back pain, frozen shoulders, housemaid's knee, flat feet, tennis elbow, minor digestive problems, asthma, difficulties sleeping, clumsiness, irritability and lethargy.[1][2] Practictioners say such problems are often caused by people repeatedly mis-using their bodies over a long period of time, for example by standing or sitting with their weight unevenly distributed, holding their heads incorrectly, or walking or running inefficiently. The purpose of the Alexander technique is to help people unlearn bad physical habits and return to a balanced state of rest and poise in which the body is well-aligned.[3]
The technique is named after actor Frederick Matthias Alexander, who developed its principles in the 1890s[4] as a personal tool to alleviate breathing problems and hoarseness during public speaking. He credited the technique with allowing him to pursue his passion for Shakespearean acting. (Wikipedia)
Nia (previously Non-Impact Aerobics, Neuromuscular Integrative Action) is a non-impact physical conditioning program based on the premise that movement is a pathway for self-discovery and personal transformation. Typically practiced barefoot, Nia involves cardiovascular aerobic exercise and whole-body conditioning. Some proponents regard NIA as a body-mind-spirit exercise like yoga. (Wikipedia) We focus on moving our spine, breathing and having a GOOD TIME! It's like a party that tricks you into moving all your joints. We also work on vocalizing! My neuro started the exercise program for pwps and caretakers. We have fun. The reciting in the street was my own idea. What me worry?
believe it or not,Yoga is amazingly helpful. I have always had bad posture, and pd only enhanced it. Been practicing simple yoga for 3 years now and am much more aware of my body alignment. try it! yogayak.com has free videos for download.
I also believe in exercise! I try to get to the gym at least 4 times a week for Zumba class and use weights. Its the slower movements that are the most difficult, so dance helps. I've also talked to PWP that say all of the above mentioned really help. I have read many articles that say biking is very good for PWP. A lot of people use a recumbent bike. The motion tends to help. I'm going to give it a try! Hope you will find something that works for you

Just want to inject & emphasis not to try traditional 2 wheel biking if you have balance problems. Common sense; but wanted to make the danger clear just in case.
My physical therapist had me do marching exercises big time. And then we toned it down a little. Made a big difference; but I still lapse into shuffling at times, usually when tired or distracted, and trip up which is a sure reminder to raise my foot up when taking a step.
I still feel that I'm leaning forward a lot. I try to concentrate on pulling my shoulders back.
I believe that we just have to live with our slow pace. Think trying to move faster would lead to more falls & crashes into things & people. Taking time to think as we move should make us safer.
Exercise but remember what was once auto mode now has to be manual mode THINK head up shoulders straight and heal/toe simple but it works for me
Something that works for me: I back against my bathroom counter, then lean back. It takes away the pain and allows me to walk upright. Also doing a side step for awhile gets rid of the shuffling feet.
If we're walking together, I hold my husband's left hand (his pisa side) and swing his arm for him. I don't know if there is a "scientific" explanation for this, but it does improve his posture, heel/toe motion and walking speed. However if I have to let go of his hand, he returns to the shuffle within a few paces.