Anyone else experience dry skin and is it caused by PD, i get terrible dry skin around the face area and every couple of days it looks like i have frostbite i also get itchy flakey scalp.i,v tried various treatments but nothing really effective,anyone else get this problem?
dry skin: Anyone else experience dry skin... - Cure Parkinson's
dry skin

i have dry skin too
nothign to do with meds as there arent any for PSP
but it is difficult and i get spots on my face and proboems iwrh dyry skin on kmy neck and legs
lol JIll
Yes, dry skin is one of Parkie's tricks. The dandruff-like patches on your head are sometimes referred to as "Parkinson's Cap", and are usually caused by the body's failure to slough off dead skin properly. Areas of the scalp also react differently to the sun, causing a "patchwork quilt" appearance to the skin. Regarding dry skin, my dermatologist had no good answers, but the neurologist recommended olive oil which, for me, works as well as anything. The olive oil, however, has a side-affect. Your dogs and cats will drive you crazy!!!
Good Luck
thanks for your replies guys.
I have dry skin and scalp. I had no idea that it was caused by PD. I've been using coconut oil and it seems to help.
Hi Alan & All
About 4 yrs ago, just about the same time my PD was beginning to rear its ugly head, I also developed the same as you folk. Because my GP is a dinosaur, and wouldn't believe I had PD until he got it in writing from the Harley Street Clinic (no, not rich, it was part of car accident claim). he biggest bore was catching the scabs on my head with the comb every day.
He never associated the skin problem with PD, and put me on daily Canisten ointment and oilatum shampoo twice a week. Reasonable success, but I substituted the Canisten cream with Vosene medicated shampoo 6 times a week, and oilatum once a week. Eureka in 2 weeks. totally gone
May not work for everyone, but worth a try.
I have had alsorts of creams including hydrocortisone cream and nizoral and betnovate scalp application but they had minimal effect
I use aloe vera gel. We have a large plant in the house and I break a little off and squeeze the jelly out. Rub it on my face and voila! no oily crud. Drys fast.
I also use pure aloe vera gel but on my head and hair - it has made my scalp
healthier and also acts as a setting lotion, double bubble ! For my feet and
legs I have found Vaseline (large pot from the £1 shop) plastered on at
night and covered with loose socks works wonders.
Val x
Since being diagnozed with PD my husband has had terrible skin. Not just on his face but on his back, arms and legs. I have tried everything to no avail. His scalp is always itching and flacky, yet his forehead is greasy. His eye brows too are flacky.
I read that the meds can also make your skin thinner and more prone to melanoma so sun screen up! When I was in a clinical trial last year, i had 2 free skin examinations by a dermatologist.
Thats the same as me jj,my scalp and eyebrows itchy and flakey but my forehead is greasy,the dry skin falls off my face and head like snow,i never had any skin problems until i got PD.
My partner has had the same problem for years. We have made it a routine that every morning before I go to work, I massage a little American Crew hair gel/paste in his head. This has stopped all of his scalp flaking. I rub in cortisone cream on his face and neck and he has no more dry skin on his face. It only take a couple of minutes and I couldn't believe the difference in just a few days. I get both products from Amazon, but Walmart and Target sell the same products.
Oh, I'm so glad y'all mentioned the scalp itch ! My face, my arms, I can deal with but my hair has been falling out and it's gotta be the meds...? I still can't find relief ! Hate the scalp itch and yes the itchy eyebrows !!
I have itchy/ dry scalp, eyebrows and legs. I'm going to try aloevera