My father was born in Portsmouth Hampshire UK. He went to live in Montreal Quebec Caanada. He was born in May of 1902 and he passed away in 1952 at the age of 50.I do not know too much history of his family and am trying to find out if anyone had Parkinson.I believe he went to Montreal at the age of 21.His name was Charles Joseph Brooke,father John,mother Gertrude,sister Winefred,sister Josephine,brother John.If anyone on this blog is from Portsmouth or knows someone there maybe they know of the family.
Finding Family: My father was born in... - Cure Parkinson's
Finding Family

Hi Brooke, why do you want to know if your father had Parkinson?, Have, you, yourself been diagnosed with it. Parkinson is still a mystery as regards hereditory factor. Some researches say it is, some say it isn't. Keep us informed if you hear of anything, We, with "The Parkie Problem" are always interested in new findings.
My husband is the only one in his family with PD. I've researched and so far there is little to no connection to hereditary factors.
Hi again,
I have done a lot of research into our family. Sickness is very hard to find out any information unless he was admitted to a hospital, where he died. There you can e-mail the hospital, to the person responsible for archives. Important to have DOB, full name and last known address, Actual date of his death. You may have to pay for information. I don't know if Canada has the Freedom of Information Law. If they haven't ????. Keep us informed on how you get on.
Thanks I will.
You can register with 23andMe and get an analysis of your DNA. They have a "family finder" utility that might help you. This is free for people with PD; civilians pay US$99, I think.
I should mention that my dad has PD too. My 23andME chart showed that based on my DNA I had a 85.9% probability of getting PD. On one hand it doesn't matter at all--I got it, that's what matters. But I suppose it's comforting to know that it;s not anyone's fault, you know?
What is 23 and me, I have never heard of it. I have PD but it might be interesting for the rest of the family. Wonder if they have it here in Sweden and Australia?
I am going to google it i will let you know.