Can anyone tell me if theres a Bipolar area to go to on this site?
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Not as yet. There is a list of groups in "Communities" at the top of the page
Hi Jamieann
I don't think there is yet. I had a look through the list just now. See communities drop down menu on top bar.
You could try Patients Like Me site.
i expect THE DEPRESSION ALLIANCE in teh uk is hte nearest u woudl get
but i am not aware of any blogging site
Thank you all so much,if you go to my profile itll explain what i am going through now,,but Bipolar is a concern from some friends an family..also myself...
Hi jamieann..I'm new, too. I have been dx w/PD and several other dx. I take klonopin also for PTSD/DID and neurontin for 3 herniated discs. They have helped me sleep and not cramp up so bad. There is a site I use to visit called Cloud/Townsend, they are Christian psych and there is a lot of interesting info on there. I used it a lot last year, esp when needed psych info. Hope u find a site with bi-polar issues. (it is not a site that preaches at you, btw)
If you go onto your internet you will find many different support groups for Bipolar Disorder. There is DBSA ( Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance)> There is also NAMI ( National Alliance on Mental Illness) and many other helpful sites which have online support groups. I hope this helps!
Thank you guys !!!!