Just want to update everyone who follows my case.
Now, 6 weeks after stopping my 12-week Tanganil cure , I still haven’t had one single event with RBD; no nightmares, kicking or screaming or talking while sleeping. Possibly one or two very mild twitches from my feet in all 6 weeks but I never woke up. More like RLS.
I now cut down my melatonin dose from 4 to 2 mg.
Also, I got an appointment with the neurologists at a university hospital in Sweden for two days in April. They will scan my brain, do different tests and also make a sleep study (polysomnography). It is a research study for 6 years to follow iRBD-diagnosed patients and they will scan the brain once a year.
My grandmother died of PD, also one of my uncles. Now I learnt that one of my brothers also has iRBD. So there is certainly a genetic factor in my case.