I've been using them for just over one month. How long do you have people been wearing them before they start seeing results?
VCR gloves: I've been using them for just... - Cure Parkinson's
VCR gloves
Most of the folks I have worked with see some result within about 2 weeks. Some get immediate results, but that seems to be unusual.
What type of glove are you using?
What kind of results are you hearing about? I'm noticing some motor skill improvements but tremors are a bit more. A little Dysk tòo.
I have worked with one person that reported an increase in tremor. Others have seen a reduction in tremor. My guess (and this is really an uneducated GUESS) is that the tremor is changing as opposed to worsening. The period of your tremor is the same as the period of the synchronization of your brain. The gloves are meant to desynchronize your brain and train it to prefer desynchronization over synchronization. From reading the Tass studies on Coordinated Reset for Tinnitus, patients saw a change (lowering) of the frequency of their Tinnitus over time. Does this mean that the gloves will lower the period of the brain synchronization over time? Would that cause a change in the tremor? All great stuff for a neurologist to study.
Results overall seem vary from profound (I have received a number of very touching e-mails detailing results) to "nice". It seems that everyone gets something. Some get a lot. My wife's results include cessation of tremor, improved balance and gait, improved cognition and improvements in constipation. At her last two MDS visits he told her she looked like a "normal" person. (not as well received as I think he intended).
Hi Buzz, in your experience, could the constant use of gloves slow down the progression of the disease?
Tass made very brief mention of the damage that synchronization does to the brain. My hope is that the gloves, by keeping the brain desynchronized, will allow the brain to maintain a more normal cellular process. Could this slow the progression of the disease? I hope so…
Thanks Buzz, but if Parkinson's is characterized by the progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons, what does brain desynchronization have to do with it? Excuse my ignorance, maybe Dr.Tass already gave an explanation for this and I missed it I thank you for the availability . I wish you all the best.
Per Dr. Tass, the synchronization of the brain causes everything in the body to function to match the synchronization rather than asynchronously as God intended. The progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons triggers this behavior (some interesting studies on how these neurons connect to the rest of the brain are available). By breaking the synchronization cycle, the body, and brain, are able to return to "normal" function. Of course, this doesn't bring dead cells back to life. (thus the need for continued use of the gloves). Tass did mention that the brain functioning in a synchronous fashion could be causing additional damage.
Okay, that's Tass "fact". My theory (purely opinion from a non-professional!!) is that the cell death cycle is being caused by something (mis-folded AS? recent study talks about the new AS test which works great UNLESS you have the LRRK-2 gene mutation OR you never lost your sense of smell). Regardless of what kicks off the cell death cycle, the cells are unhealthy and progressively dying. Breaking out my Molecular and Cell Biology for Dummies Book (really), I read that cell death is driven by mitochondrial dysfunction. The cell becomes progressively more acidic and the cellular processes responsible for autophagy (taking out the trash) are unable to cope.
Perhaps, if we do something to enhance mitochondrial health (PEMF, Red Light Therapy) AND desynchronize the brain such that the cellular autophagy functions can work more normally rather than trying to work to the beat of the synchronous drummer, we can slow the cell death cycle. Perhaps even bring back to a healthy state some of the cells that are in the death cycle (cells don't go from healthy to dead. They work their way through a progression from healthy to less healthy...)
Finally, anyone that has ever driven a car on a flat tire for any distance knows that the vibration will, eventually, tear the car apart. I believe (again just conjecture) that the synchronization of the brain does the same thing. The dopamine producing cells are injured resulting in cell death. The cell death leads to a shortage of dopamine that kicks off the synchronization process. The synchronization of the brain leads to more damage and the downward spiral is underway.
This is completely my theory by a non-professional. I have NO medical training and make no representations. However, using PEMF and the gloves my wife has been steady state for two years. My hope is that we have found a way to slow the progression of the disease, improving quality of life and extending the window for an effective treatment.
Apologies for the long response. I wanted to give you some insight into the course of treatment we are following and why.
What type of red light do you think? How much time and what part of the body?
where have you both got gloves from, please?
where does one get hand gloves
The 1st thing I noticed was a vast improvement in my sense of smell and taste and that was after about two weeks. I have been using them now for a little over two months and have less rigidity, less off time, less need for C/L. My wife says she noticed I'm calmer and my PT, who I see 2 times a month, has seen a substantial improvement in my balance and gait. Now I'm dealing with modulating my meds with the effects of the gloves and I'm finding that a bit challenging.
Cheers, Craig
PS Thanks again Buzz
This sounds amazing. How is the study set up? For anyone who has been part of the study at Stanford, how often do you have to go there related to the study, and for how long? And then do they just give you the glove and you wear it 2 hours per day?
I was diagnosed in 2016 and a few months before I started using the gloves I started experiencing short stepping and gait freeze.