Is it worth it? I was thinking of getting it for hubby. Thank you broccoli sprouts users.
Fermented Broccoli Sprouts: Is it worth it... - Cure Parkinson's
Fermented Broccoli Sprouts

Interesting. Fermented Broccoli Sprouts Sauerkraut -
I eat a bowl of broccoli sprouts every morning. Sprouting is cheap and easy. rbd-pd-protocols.blogspot.c...
Hi Bolt! I knew you were going to respond, hahaha. I wish my husband was a kind of guy like you. . .a go getter that you are. Unfortunately, I do all the searching and buying. I don't have the time for home made broccoli sprouting. Do you think this supplement is a good substitute for the real thing? Thanks!
It might be okay. If I was not able to sprout, I would use this stuff I used before I started sprouting: KOYAH - Organic USA Broccoli Sprout Powder (1 Scoop = 1/4 Cup Sprouts): 36 Servings, Freeze-Dried, Tested for Active Myrosinase and Glucoraphanin (Sulforaphane Glucosinolate), Great in Smoothies
You can just mix a scoop in a cup of warm water. Or just throw a scoop in your mouth
It won't hurt. I went down the rabbit hole of glucoraphanin/sulphoraphane for a while. I still eat a lot of broccoli sprinkled with mustard seeds; I try to eat a serving every day.
But I would say for massive payoffs for pd focus on the best possible sleep, good distress management and a variety of exercises that challenge the mind and raise heart rate. I'll take a great night of sleep over 100 days of broccoli sprouts
I often eat steamed broccoli: delicious!
We do, too. I usually bake wild caught shrimp (loaded with butter, oregano, thyme and rosemary) to go along with broccoli and baked sweet potatoes with lots of Irish butter. Remember to add mustard seed ground to your broccoli.
It's not a big deal to make broccoli sprouts. Just pour water over 2 T ofseeds in a quart jar. Let's sit overnight. Rinse in the morning and let drain for a few hours. Rinse again a couple more times a day. Do the rinsing for 5 to 7 more days and voila, you have broccoli sprouts. Buy the quart jars with a mesh screen cover and the rack on Amazon. I have two friends that eat them religiously having had stage 3 and stage 4 cancers respectively.
Thanks. However, as the sole care giver, I don't have time even for my personal needs.
I totally get it. I have Parkinson's and have been my husband's caretaker (with Parkinson's) before his passing last month. Under such circumstances caretaking was the hardest thing I'veever had to do. It's not easy under any circumstances. He had surgery for bladder cancer in April this year so I was making the sprouts a priority so it wouldn't come back. Sprouts are an an anticancer food. The doctor found no cancer in his system at last check. Take a minute or two out of every day for yourself. It's a must. All the best.
For anyone interested in effortless broccoli sprouts there is a company called Hamama, they come enclosed in a paper wrap, you put them in a tray and add water and they sprout 100% of the time. You can join a subscription delivery. They have a variety of spouts. 100% fool proof.