I have never come across ‘punch drunk’ as a symptom of Pd, yet I do experience it and 2 posts in this group have recently mentioned it. Typically, if I miss or forget a dose (I take rytary 4x per day and 1 dose of Amantadine for dyskinesia, I suffer from many of the typical pd symptoms such as speech, swallowing, drooling, balance, handwriting , weakness, getting out of bed issues. I also start to feel punch drunk and woozy. Levodopa meds don’t do much for me, I say that I feel like bad crap on the meds and really bad crap off the meds,. Does anyone else have the punch drunk feeling in off time and/or levodopa not really helping a lot?
punch drunk and off time: I have never come... - Cure Parkinson's
punch drunk and off time

my husband says he feels stumble- bummy when meds are wearing off. Perhaps the same thing?
I have had spells were I felt like I was walking like a drunk. I referred as drunk walking.
I have never had those issues with carbodoba/levodopa. However Metformin has some effects on me that I can only relate as way too much tequila!
Do you take Metformin for PD? I thought it was for diabetics to help them with their blood sugar levels
No I have both problems but I posted in case anyone else wants to know about the issue I have with Metformin. Many people have issues and take medication for each and don’t know which medication is causing them bad symptoms. I took over my own care by taking each medication and cutting down the dosage by half for a week until I could see if I needed it. Most dosages I cut down at least once and sometimes found it was not necessary anymore. Gabapentin was cut down from four 600mg tablets to one at bedtime. I was over medicated and now I feel much better.
I'm not to say I'm sorry for your symptoms but I am sorry you have this disease....it's a jealous, commanding, and dominerring one---especailly when you try to ignore it (I know from experience with my husband who has had "it" for 10 years. Having said that, your personality, personal makeup, and personality is still YOU....side effects or not.
Amatandine can help with Dyskensia and "head drop". My husband started with 1 dose then added 2 more to make 3 total doses....it seemed to work for a few years. However, for our household, it no longer works. The extended release Gocovri could have been a magic bullet, but that failed too. Next step is DBS surgery for which approval has been received. Is your Dyskensia just frustrating but you can function or is it full body, full on "attack" like feeling and you can't really do anything but ride it out? And does your Rytary work sufficiently with the doses you take?
You said Levadopa doesn't do much for you, but you know Rytary is just that? Did you start off with Sinemet and then graduate to Rytary or was/is that your main lind med for PD? If your extra symptoms are because of the Rytary: it could be too much for your system, not enough and you might need to add a pill, drop down to Sinemet and try that. Sinemet also has different dose strength that could be a fit for you (10/100, 25/100, 25/200). When do you see your Dr next or do you have a way to contact him/her? Discuss your symptoms and see if a change in dose/medication might help you. I wouldn't change the Amatandine at all if it's helping, but maybe adding another pill for more help?
I've asked a lot of questions but I'm glad you wrote in to this forum. I hope you have a daily mantra "I'm worth it, I'm loved, I'm still me" and stand tall and take good care.
Before my HWP diagnosis he appeared punch drunk at times. So it is definately a symptom. He gets periods of extreme fatigue at times even though he takes his meds reguarly, its more like he is drunk and I can't get him up. Stress, and poor night sleep aggravate this symptom. His Neuro gave him a script for Modifinal. It does help a bit, do not use it everyday.