Compelling article on Mucuna Pruriens - Cure Parkinson's

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Compelling article on Mucuna Pruriens

Rafiki2 profile image
12 Replies

I have just come across this article on Mucuna which I would like to share.

Although it is a few years old and is quite lengthy, it is well written and makes for compelling reading, especially as it is well backed by several references.

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Rafiki2 profile image
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12 Replies
Thal profile image

Toxic weed. Best placebo effect I've ever had.

eschneid profile image
eschneid in reply to Thal

Thal,. .........Many of us have been combining C/L and Mucuna for a long time with good success. I've been able to consistently count on Mucuna to time my dosing so I can enjoy life.

Curious Thal, do you take any supplements that helo you?

Thal profile image
Thal in reply to eschneid

Success with Mucuna in combination with c/l is not quantifiable nor predictable.

Thinking that one can consistently count on Mucuna to time one's dosing so that one can enjoy life is not real since there is no pharmaceutical protocol to follow. It's a placebo at best and maybe a very bad toxin at worst.

And the quality of the weed is totally suspect and may be poisoned with all sorts of toxins since it is not third party certified.

Parkinson's patients are suckers for


And Mucuna is the worst.

eschneid profile image
eschneid in reply to Thal

Thal,.......,A few things wrong with your "angry, dis-satisfied with your life so you have to ruin things for others attitude."

First, you did not answer my only question if any supplements work for you-- as they are all treated the same here w/out FDA approval.

Also, pay attention Thal, as I already stated, I have been for a long time counting on its consistency to have a good qol.

While FDA approval would be great, there are some stringent manufacturing levels that must be met.

So, now that you've called people with parkinson suckers, please

tell us who in the medical field is paying you for your view on mucuna. Someone must be as it's clear you haven't done any research while many of us continue to live by this protocol.

Thal profile image
Thal in reply to eschneid

My personal research has been 8 years of frustration as a declining Parkinson's patient suckered ( including myself) into thinking that a weed called Mucuna could have any medicinal potency.

True I'm angry about the Mucuna scam perpetrated on me and vulnerable Parkinson's patients like me who I consider my fellow travelers.

I'm very satisfied with my life since I've thrown out my Mucuna. I've resolved to inform my fellow people of its dangers. Not to ruin lives but to enhance well being.

I have no proof that supplements work for me which I take for nutritional deficiencies I may have not for medicinal purposes.

The statement that you have used Mucuna successfully is subjective and doesn't have any baring on the medicinal effectiveness of Mucuna.

The Mucuna protocol doesn't exist because there is none. It's a pseudo procedure cobbled together with a hope and a prayer. Not real science.

eschneid profile image
eschneid in reply to Thal

Forgot to ask Thal...... When you say, "Parkinson's patients are suckers for HOPEIUM," are you excluding yourself? Do you have Parkinsons? Why are you here?

Thal profile image
Thal in reply to eschneid

I'm a declining Parkinson's patient who has been suckered by unscrupulous purveyors of herbal concoctions like Mucuna into thinking it may help when in fact it is really bad and sickening to my wellness.

I'm here to learn and share .

Thal profile image
Thal in reply to eschneid

BTW Mucuna is not a supplement. It is a bad herbal concoction that may make one very ill at worst and at best it's a bean with some nutritional benefits but no clinical researched duplicateable medicinal procedures for dosing, consistency and timing leading to erractic outcomes and setbacks.

Parkinson's patients are easily deluded into thinking that it will help when in fact it is a detriment to the management of our symptoms which are very difficult to deal with and something like Mucuna makes it worse.

Would you take a piece of willow bark to cure a headache instead of an aspirin?

eschneid profile image
eschneid in reply to Thal

Thal,.......... Are you not listening. I've been taking it successfully for 10 years plus with no issues.. What part of that sentence do you still not understand?

Thal profile image
Thal in reply to eschneid

Again the fact that you have been talking it for ten years "successfully" plus with no issues doesn't mean it has helped you in any medicinal way. In fact I think it may have diverted you as it has me into thinking that it has helped. I could have spent the time and money on something real and beneficial.

I hear you that you think it has helped.

I'm skeptical since there's no way to verify and my personal experience and research has concluded in Mucuna being an awful concoction. Scamming vulnerable Parkinson's patients.

Thal profile image
Thal in reply to eschneid

I am listening. I hear you loud and clear. And what I hear is what I've experienced. A belief that an herbal concoction has benefitted you for ten years successfully. The part I do not understand is that you think you have benefitted in any way from taking something like Mucuna with no proven efficacy and which may be toxic.

I've been down the same road and sorry to say that it's been a bad ,

wasteful trip leaving me with the resolve to do whatever I can to warn my fellow people of the pot holes lurking around the corner of this scammy world we live in.

chartist profile image

This new 2024 human / MP study suggests that MP is quicker to take effect and longer lasting than C/L :

Here is a relevant quote from the study :

' This is the first report of a pharmacokinetic analysis conducted on actual patients with PD showing that MP significantly prolongs the ON time. The advantages of MP as a treatment for PD have been confirmed: it is inexpensive, as effective as LD, works faster and longer than LD, and does not increase dyskinesia. '


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