Parkinson,s disease for 14 years
Constipation for 12 years
Improvement now with Emma 1-2 tablets daily
Parkinson,s disease for 14 years
Constipation for 12 years
Improvement now with Emma 1-2 tablets daily
berberine, DGL, star anise, quercetin, resveratrol
I've had PD for several years. . And a lot of constipation. I take Motegrity one tablet daily, If I forget, I won't have a BM for a couple days and what I get is an enormous stool. I have excellent abdominal muscles and can force stool out no matter how large. Typically stools diameter is similar to a nickel or quarter. I forgot to take Motegrity and ultimately had a BM that was VERY difficult to expel. It was teeth-clenching silver-dollar diameter. When I stood up and looked, the bowl was full of blood. Fresh, red blood. I could dimly see brown stools hidden in the blood.
This was yesterday. Today the BM was less of a chore. But the stools had a thin line of blood going down the length. So I've got a hemorrhoid leaking near the anal sphincter.
TIme for surgery?
That’s a bit more information than I wanted to read frankly K!
Thanks for this factual message. I needed to hear it. I would ask about surgery, especially if the bleeding does not stop or if you feel ill. Maybe it’s time to develop a plan to ensure your med is not forgotten or to create a back up plan for emergencies.
So sorry this is happening to you. Thanks for having the courage to share the details.
Levodopa does make you constipate, try dry plunes, avocado, water melon and drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
what’s Emma?
I changed my coffee habit a few weeks back. Instead of 4 Nespresso capsules a day, I've gone to a 4-cup cafetière of ground coffee. With the unexpected effect that I now get daily movements rather than a couple of times a week. More caffeine, more fibre. Did the trick...
Ps128 twice day works like charm, many other benefits, blessings Clark
I have had the big C for decades, way before diagnosis. Just started an ayurveda program, and first recommendation was to drink hot water first thing in the morning with lime. Works so far.
Appropriate food changes plus supplements of buffered vitamin C powder and Magnesium citrate powder with plenty of water usually resolves constipation as well as supporting brain function.