Ceramic blanket improves motor performanc... - Cure Parkinson's
Ceramic blanket improves motor performance in Parkinson’s mice
More deets about the technology: carrickinstitute.com/carric...
"Gladiator Therapeutics devices revolve around Einstein’s theory on quantum physics. Einstein’s theory is that when true Far IR is emitted, there is no heat at the source or at the destination. Our technology is a patented ceramic that absorbs heat from the patient and ambient heat as its power source. This heat is converted to light photons which are emitted directly into the body. In the body they create intracellular vibration. Unlike rotational and translational vibration, intracellular vibration creates no heat. Therefore, there is no risk to using Gladiator Technology 24/7. The intracellular vibration is responsible for activating many processes including cellular respiration, cellular regeneration, cell to cell signaling and stem cell migration. The ceramics (15 patents and 3 pending) are designed to emit 85% of the light photons directionally to maximize efficacy. There are no known Far IR emitters that can emit the volume and strength of what we emit. This allows for systemic treatment as well as a more robust depth of penetration. "
Snake oil ? I am skeptical and would welcome any input. Cost of mini ceramic blanket is 1195 USD .