There are thousands of substances with some beneficial effects on Parkinson's, from vitamins, herbs,spices ,minerals,off label medications, types of exercise, or whatever or however you name it.. sometimes i feel lost, exhausted from trying and experimenting, physically mentally and.... financially bankrupted.. living on my own just with my friend yoPD, who definitely replaced my ex-wife 6 years ago... Being on this journey almost 15 years I am almost sure there is no universal cure for Parkinson's and there will not be..simply because we are all different from each other and PD is certainly caused by multiple factors imbalances.. once the bubble is burst the balance can't be restored because we simply don't have reference points for this bubble (mix of environmental,genetics) factors determined and it seems to be extremely expensive as we're all different.. like in the case of b1 - you have to tune in to your optimal dose..On the other hand I may be paranoic but I think that today's medicine would be able to cure Parkinson's with weapons it has already ,but this would be too expensive for health systems to cure millions of mainly elderly people which are already retired and out of the productive years with no contribution to economy....
Cure for Parkinson's - neverending story - Cure Parkinson's
Cure for Parkinson's - neverending story

Don't give up!
Every PD is different from person to person. There is one thing that helps every kind of disease: exercise! it is an universal medication and it works.
I'm angry for the fact that MJF foundation since many years says that they are close to the cure for PD and ask for money. They are always close to the cure, but if someone find a cure, many people would lose their job and financing from pharmaceutical companies.
I don't offer you a CURE! I only can telll you how I overcame my PD in 1994 and since 1997 I have been Movement symptom-free dince 1997.
If you are prpared to walk as fast as YOU CAn every second day, foir a maximum of one hour.then you can be PD mOvement St=ymptom -free within two years!
Contact me! It costs NOTHING!
Does jogging work too? Boxing? Or just walking?
No! You have to understand that we don't have a body problem we have a MIND PROBLEM and we have to overcome that!
Boxing is physical exercise, while using the mind only to outwit our opponent.
With fasy walking , which is NOT NATURAL, we create GDNF in the brain. GDNF stands for Glial Derived Neurotrophic Factor. Glial cells are brain cells, which are damaged by PD. Neurotrophic menat nerve repair. So, we are repating the damaged brain cells when we do fast walking!
Boxing does not do that!
Hi what point can I start weaning off c/ldopa ?( in your opinion)I started the fast walking about 6 months ago and I am still increasing my speed and time but have doubled both since I started. I take 6 c/l dopa pills a day. I know I will have to check with my doctor,just wanted your feedback. Thanks - John Q - S.A.,TX
You are correct. A cure would cause all sorts of lost revenue issues to big pharma and research. No pharma found to affect the condition in 60 years.Pd will continue to slowly grab us however I've found that to make the best of it you need to stay active whether walk, run, stretching all your tendons...It may tire you but it's good long term. Try to eat/drink healthy and not before bed.
The best we can try is to hope to slow it and a lid on symptoms.
Stay positive. It's cold and been raining where I am but I'm about to enjoy a park walk, a hot tea and an easy crossword.