Has anyone been prescribed Propanolol for dystonia and dyskinesia? If so, did it help?
I know it's used for tremors. I don't have tremors.
Thank you and may you all be free from pain and suffering 🙏🏽
Has anyone been prescribed Propanolol for dystonia and dyskinesia? If so, did it help?
I know it's used for tremors. I don't have tremors.
Thank you and may you all be free from pain and suffering 🙏🏽
a neurologist had my husband try propanolol when he was trying to decide whether to diagnose essential tremor or Parkinson's - the propanolol had problematic effects for my husband and made him dizzy and gave him nausea so he stopped it almost immediately - this was in 2017 and the doctor never did give him a diagnosis so the diagnosis did not happen until 2021
It was prescribed to me when they were suspecting essential tremors. I just couldn't remember whether it helped me or not.
I use it - not regularly but in stressful situations and it helps my tremor
I do use it, but mine is for tremor, sorry!
What is the dose you are taking? How effective would you say it is?
I only take 10mg in the morning right before my workday, that's all I have to take for the day, and it's very effective in regulation of my tremor, would say 95%. Also helps my motor skills due to loss of tremor. Please note that I am not taking any other prescription medications.
propanolol can interact severely with carb/levo..i ended up in hospital for 10 days. hang tough.
I take it when a get shaky from stress or too much caffeine. it seems to help. I also take carbo/levo with no issues but always check with your doctor to make sure there are no problems/interactions/contraindications with any of your other meds.
I have PD and Essential Tremor. The ET is mild unless i am in a situation where i am anxious or I have to speak in public. My Neurologist prescribed Levodopa/ carbidopa for the PD and Propranolol for the ET. After a short time my body became intolerant of the Propranolol whereby my circulation at my extremities was poor eg. toes were turning black especially below the toenails. My doctor immediately took me of the Propranolol and the situation improved.