Is THIS the MIRACLE we've all been waitin... - Cure Parkinson's

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Is THIS the MIRACLE we've all been waiting for??? WATCH THIS VIDEO!

PDWarrior1900 profile image
58 Replies

There have been recent posts about Stanford University's development of a 'glove' that counteracts PD symptoms (and several other brain diseases!). This video was released in August, 2022.

Watch this 26 minute video interview of one of the Stanford researchers, Peter Tass (M.D., MDS, neurosurgeon, plus physics, math wizard!).

In their clinical studies... in just 3 months ... of applying this NON-INVASIVE 'vibration therapy' to the fingertips of their subjects...

80% (says doc) = MAJOR IMPROVEMENT!

1. NO side effects

2. PwP subjects wore the device 2 to 4 hours a day ...

After a few weeks the 'vibration dose' reduces to just 2-3 hours per week, says the researcher.

3. Seeking FDA approval now for a broader trial for PD (and essential tremor, dystonia, epilepsy) --

ALREADY APPROVED by the FDA for 'tinnitus' ringing-in-the-ear condition.


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PDWarrior1900 profile image
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58 Replies
PDWarrior1900 profile image

MORE on my post above

"The purpose of our study is to evaluate Vibrotactile Coordinated Reset stimulation (vCR) and its effects on motor ability within Parkinson's patients. vCR will be administered with a device called the VT Brain Glove. vCR is expected to provide patients with a non-invasive alternative to the most widely used treatments such as levodopa and or deep brain stimulation. This study will include a dedicated sham that will aid in understanding true treatment effects from vCR."


I've been posting here for over a year that a MIRACLE was 'just around the corner.'

THIS is the most exciting and most promising research that I've learned about heretofore.

gaga1958 profile image

I wish they would’ve shown the glove. Wonder why they are doing such a small trial.

Manypony profile image

ready to use it yesterday myself, pleeeeeeease just let us have it

PDWarrior1900 profile image

there's video and photos of the glove -- search here or google

dadcor profile image

Looks like a miracle Yes..👍

Bolt_Upright profile image

That is a great video. I like that the goal of the glove is un-syncing the brain. That is one of the main reasons I am researching Binaural Beats. Binaural Beats may be able to un-sync the brain. PD brains tend to get synced up.

PDWarrior1900 profile image
PDWarrior1900 in reply to Bolt_Upright

the good doc was a bit hard to hear... and with his accent... hard to understand... but i listened and relistened to every word and his research is by far the MOST ENCOURAGING of any clinical study that i'm aware of... plus... NON-invasive! ... plus... just '3' months to SEE GOOD RESULTS! ... Christmas is coming early this year!

Boscoejean profile image
Boscoejean in reply to PDWarrior1900

I like listening to this doctor because his devotion to the project really comes through in the videos

Fed1000 profile image
Fed1000 in reply to Bolt_Upright

Hi Bolt, what are you listening to with Binaural Beats? Are you finding it helpful?

Bolt_Upright profile image
Bolt_Upright in reply to Fed1000

I listen to Binaural Beats every day. Are they helping? I don't know. I believe they SHOULD help so I keep using them. Here is my page on Binaural Beats page (it included free Binaural Beats files): rbd-pd-protocols.blogspot.c...

Fed1000 profile image
Fed1000 in reply to Bolt_Upright

Thank yo very much Bolt, I will try too.

Little_apple profile image
Little_apple in reply to Bolt_Upright

Confused as to why syncing is good for ALZ but un-syncing is good for PD.

This is mouse but there is human data. MIT I believe.

Bolt_Upright profile image
Bolt_Upright in reply to Little_apple

With PD the entire brain tends to get into a 20 or 25 HZ rhythm. You brain should have different frequencies in different parts. That study you linked to if aimed at 40 HZ. 40 HZ is what meditation gets you. I don't think that study is trying to get the entire brain to 40 HZ. I use 38 HZ in the binaural beats videos I listen to (and 6 HZ. I alternate between the two).

PDWarrior1900 profile image

This 3 minute video shows you the glove and the RESULTS from one patient... AMAZING!


Bolt_Upright profile image
Bolt_Upright in reply to PDWarrior1900

Great video!

LAJ12345 profile image

I tried a glove that plugged into a revitive device when hubby was first diagnosed as I thought it might bring sensation and dexterity back to his hands that don’t work.

I don’t know how similar it is in action. This is like a tens machine . He struggled to get gloves on and found them stressful to use back then so we have up as it was not worth the stress. I might have another go now though as he is more willing to try things recently. He is enjoying his red hat more and more and is pursuing more hand exercises and agrees to see a physio for a while which he resisted for ages. He might like to try it now.

Boscoejean profile image
Boscoejean in reply to LAJ12345

so do you think the red hat is helping and if so how?

LAJ12345 profile image

yes I am pretty sure it does. He always wants it and swears it makes him feel better. And it seems to. I’m not sure how that translates to tangible benefits, more about feeling better.

A while back he stopped using it for a while and it was then he deteriorated but that might also have been other factors, but since wearing it again he is feeling good again, but again there were also other factors.

MarionP profile image

Tinnitus? Do tell.

Tmarsella profile image

When can we get treatment? Tom Marsella 559-281-8181

Kia17 profile image

CUE1 uses the same way of desynchronisation techique and works miraculously.

Most of vibrotactile devices modulate Beta waves bursts in the brain. Beta waves are increased while we are still and decrease before and during movement. In PwPd the bursts of Beta wave are always high and CUE1 modulates (desynchronises) those waves the same way Ldopa modulates Beta waves and improves our symptoms.

PDWarrior1900 profile image
PDWarrior1900 in reply to Kia17

thanks for the reminder about CUE1 -- here's the link


Bolt_Upright profile image
Bolt_Upright in reply to Kia17

This is an AWESOME video. Thanks for sharing.

dadcor profile image

So, the big question is: When this treatment will be accessible for everyone who needs it...???

PDWarrior1900 profile image
PDWarrior1900 in reply to dadcor

check my link above to the clinical trials now in progress

for_margy profile image

I will be very excited and extremely happy for everyone if this is the breakthrough we have all been waiting for. Especially, as it's non invasive and free of side effects. I will also be heartbroken at the same time, as it is too late for my wonderful mum, who I lost in 2019 from complications of this evil disease.

jimcaster profile image

I was skeptical until I watched the interview. Then I searched "Dr. Peter Tass Stanford Parkinson's glove" on YouTube and found more videos, including the one I have attached. My mind is blown. Once again, it seems that everything we "know" about Parkinson's (dopamine depletion, neuronal death, alpha synuclein, etc., etc.) is wrong.

Kia17 profile image
Kia17 in reply to jimcaster

PD pathology remains the same (uknown) but we need to change perspective for the PD treatment.

PD treatment’s future will be digital.

PDWarrior1900 profile image

yes, i also posted portions of this video above... as far as "everything we know about PD being wrong..." ... I'm not astute enough to make that observation... Just like many things in life have more than one solution... in all probability... it's the same with PD.


We really don't care 'who' gets there 'first' --- right?

jimcaster profile image
jimcaster in reply to PDWarrior1900

Good point, but I just volunteered to take part in the Phase 3 trial of Buntanetap and now I'm wondering why on Earth I would voluntarily ingest an experimental drug when I could wear a pair of gloves for a couple hours each day and apparently have a greater chance of success, especially considering I have a 33% chance of getting a placebo in the drug trial.

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply to jimcaster

As I mentioned to you, there's a touch of the Jean Lorings about this one

jimcaster profile image
jimcaster in reply to WinnieThePoo

I think my reaction to this is similar to what it was for Loring. The difference, I think, is that for all the talk, Loring never actually implanted stem cells in human beings. Tass has actually tried his therapy on humans.

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply to jimcaster

Yes. But as a punter with PD - it's frustrating that it takes so long to be delivered to the general PD population. As I told you, I first saw the video with the guy staggering towards the chair, and then marching confidently with swinging arms 4 years ago. It's very promising - but what are we waiting for?

And how many people have they tried it on, and what have their results been?

jimcaster profile image
jimcaster in reply to WinnieThePoo

I agree 💯%. I'm trying to find out how many patients have been treated, but haven't come up with a definite amount.

PDWarrior1900 profile image
PDWarrior1900 in reply to WinnieThePoo

you're saying the video with the guy wearing the turban... is ... '4'... years old?

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply to PDWarrior1900


PDWarrior1900 profile image
PDWarrior1900 in reply to WinnieThePoo

how do you know that the turban guy video is 4 years old?

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply to PDWarrior1900

Because I saw it 4 years ago

PDWarrior1900 profile image
PDWarrior1900 in reply to WinnieThePoo

OMG! ... so i posted ... what i thought... was THREE great, hopeful postings the last few days all three have been .... dashed... (not quite 'down the toilet')

1. farnesol post

2. stanford university glove post

3. some new drug entering phase 2 --- FDA red flag


I'm batting ... .000 !!!!

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply to PDWarrior1900 the date on this

PDWarrior1900 profile image
PDWarrior1900 in reply to WinnieThePoo

thanks young lady, but i got a playback error on that video

but i believe you

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply to PDWarrior1900

Im not sure why I am so frequently taken to be a young lady here. WTP was clearly a male bear for AA Milne. My wife says I need to change my aftershave. The glove and inhibikase are both on my "hot" list. It's just when you've been around a while you realise how maddeningly slow things are?

I think you can dump farnesol

PDWarrior1900 profile image

My opinion is you are doing the right thing. I didn't qualify for the Buntanetap trial. I am very excited about their phase 1 and phase 2 results. Please keep us up-to-date on your progress. GOOD LUCK!

Buckholt profile image

the pharmaceutical industry will be hate this! If non invasive, will it need regulator approval? Can people not just choose to use it?

PDWarrior1900 profile image

please read my posts above for the answers to your questions

hmm777 profile image

IMHO this is the most interesting development in years.

PDWarrior1900 profile image
PDWarrior1900 in reply to hmm777

never heard of that... what is it? thanks for the reply

hmm777 profile image
hmm777 in reply to PDWarrior1900

You mean IMHO? It means "in my humble opinion."

PDWarrior1900 profile image

thanks! .... shows you how out of touch i am

wriga profile image

I went to his website and downloaded some of his research articles that are freely available on Researchgate. They are quite impossible to understand, full of pages of mathematical formulas, but the diagrams give some clues as to what he is trying to do. As I understand it (and I could be quite wrong here), he uses a single wavelength of about 5 Hz and applies a phase shift for different fingers. He says that this stimulation goes up to neighbouring neurons that are usually synchronized in the PD brain. Because of the phase-shift, they are forced to desynchronize. (Boltupright will like that) They desynchronize in about 3 seconds. When you stop the stimulation, they resync over the next 5 seconds or so. He claims that by repeating this, these neurons gradually learn about the unsynchronised state and progressively move over to it. He doesn't use sine-wave vibrations but very sharp spike waves. It seems that the shape of the wave makes a difference, but I don''t understand that bit.

NOW, here's what I think we can do to test this ourselves. You can stimulate your fingers with a phase shift stimulation by rubbing your hands on a rough or uneven surface. If you rub your hands (or feet ) across a rough surface (tree bark, rough rendered wall, fine mesh grill etc), each finger and each millimetre of the finger surface will send the same stimulation with a phase shift of less than a second to the brain. If the surface is spiky rough, you will send a spiky signal to the brain. Not quite the engineered spiky vibration , but does it really matter?

Try it for a few minutes with your tremor hand and let me know...

Stillstandingstill profile image
Stillstandingstill in reply to wriga

Time to take up playing the washboard 🙃

wriga profile image
wriga in reply to Stillstandingstill


Lizzy9 profile image
Lizzy9 in reply to wriga

Hello wriga ~ Thank you for your thoughts! I was just wondering since “Turban” man had 2-hour sessions a day, do you think that there will be some benefit with doing this for a few minutes?

Have a fabulous day!!

PDWarrior1900 profile image
PDWarrior1900 in reply to wriga

Well... I've been doing something 'similar' for months... and YES YES YES... I find my 'internal tremors' have greatly reduced ... I've posted this several times here... I bought two large massagers from Amazon ($90) each ... like the one below .... They're much cheaper on eBay -- I've seen this exact model for as low as $53, new.

Anyway... I lay in bed with one of these on each side of me. I put the speed on 'low' (that's enough for me) and I grip the surface area with each hand... I also do this in the morning when I wake up...

Since I watched the videos above... I'm concentrating now on vibrating each 'hand' rather than my forearm or upper arms...

I'm far from 'healed.' I still get 100s and 100s of internal tremors daily...

And whether it's a "placebo effect" or not... There's no question that overall I am better.

p.s. But I'm also doing a million other things as well. So no one here really knows what is 'working' ... do we?

But we pretty much know when something is 'NOT' working, right?

Kwisatz profile image

Here is the complete equipment!

"Treatment of Neurological Diseases: Dr. Tass reports of use of vibrotactile stimulation to apply Coordinated Reset Stimulation (CRS), which has been shown to cause long-lasting reduction of pathological synchronization in parkinsonian monkeys.

All you have to do is write the software, and that's it! Someone???

PDWarrior1900 profile image

great post, thanks!

Treatment of Neurological Diseases: Dr. Tass reports of use of vibrotactile stimulation to apply Coordinated Reset Stimulation (CRS), which has been shown to cause long-lasting reduction of pathological synchronization in parkinsonian monkeys.

Jmellano profile image
Jmellano in reply to PDWarrior1900

does anyyone know wht Stanford terminated the study without reason?

PDWarrior1900 profile image

i didn't know they did that... do you have a link, please?

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