Any posts I haven’t come across on how to prevent weight loss. Can anyone tell me what they do. My gp told me not to lose anymore, but it keeps dropping off.
losing weight: Any posts I haven’t come... - Cure Parkinson's
losing weight

When I was first Dx'd I ran home and checked google. Dr Google said weight loss is a common sign of PD. I thought, "Cool!" I could lose 80 pounds before I'm in trouble so no big deal. This was three years ago and I've gained 40 pounds.
There is the 'general to do' and 'unique must do'.
General to do: eat good nourishing food regularly, get enough sleep (8 hrs), have a relaxed state of mind, exercise for some few hours everyday, get rid of any stress and anxiety (easier said than done, I'm still battling with this myself)
Unique must do: search your mind to be sure there is no psychological or emotional issues unsettling you, because this can cause worrying which in turn can eat you up from the inside out. And finally check with your doctor to make sure there's no biological/medical reasons you're losing such as worms, digestive blockages, cell problems etc..
All the above is also me speaking to myself because I need to gain some weight too
I would also like to have more information on preventing weight loss because all the advice that has been given in the past has not helped my husband and when he does gain a couple pounds it seems like the next time he has a weigh in he is back down again. Doctors suggest more small meals but he says that makes it so he is not hungry at meal time.
since I was diagnosed I have lost nearly 4 stonewhatever I do I struggle to gain any weight at all wife says I never stop eating I do cycle 120 miles a
Obviously the problem is we are in the extreme minority. 99% of the rest of the world is obsessed with weight loss ONLY and so on the internet all you can find is 'how to loose weight'
My reply above, though very far from being an adequate answer, can be a starting point. Let's hope much better solutions would drop in as time progresses
Weight loss early in PD increases risk of cognitive decline. I have lost 30 lbs since diagnosis (not needed; underweight now) but my efforts to gain have been futile.
Obviously, it is important to eat well through the day but I supplement with stuff like Complan which, in the UK is available from supermarkets and heath food shops. It is a powder in various flavours which can be mixed with water (I recommend hot water) to provide a drink which supplies 244kcal, a bunch of vitamins and minerals along with protein to help build muscle. Three meals a day should each provide about 400kcals so taking a Complan a day equals half a meal extra you can consume easily, daily.
Just putting it out there ...
since I have been taking Monte Dean I have lost more than 30 pounds and I am down to only 95 pounds at 5 foot seven. Please help also I have a fever of 100.3 and itching all over my body back and stomach primarily no rash
Try a site called Its really meant for those with memory problems but that affects PD sufferers as well. Its free and you can run a test which identifies problems with your diet and how to optimise.
I don’t see the test fir duet, I only see a cognitive test.
Ugh...I wish I could lose some weight! It would be a welcome symptom for this girl and my docs would do back flips.
be careful what you wish for! Before diagnosis I was always trying to lose a few pounds. Now I’m down a good 25 lbs from my former “fighting weight “ and can’t gain an ounce to save my life ! Meal supplement products are full of sugar, dairy and gluten all of which I’m trying to avoid. Anyone have a suggestion?
Hi! Not offering advice but what worked at our house was using a mass gainer. Weight has stabilised although exercise has been increased
I was dx 4 years ago and have lost 44 pounds since then. I have found that I need to track my calorie intake carefully. I don't feel hungry with less than required calories to keep weight stable. I think my tremors burn a lot during the day. I set my weight goal up 15 pounds and add some to that. Then I try to eat more than that. Still is an effort to keep from losing more. I am on a gluten free, dairy free, soy free and sugar restricted diet for my PD. Several apps are available for phones and tablets. You need to make sure you increase calories to accommodate what you burn in exercise. My Iphone tracks my walking and passes to calorie tracker. The app I use has an exercise logging feature for additional efforts such as stationary bike, mowing lawn with riding mower, etc. Hope this helps.
In my case, it turned out that I was taking too much C/L, which was causing gastroparesis. This made me feel full most of the time, despite regular exercise, and I lost ~30 lbs, which was ~25 lbs more than I wanted to lose. Once I realized that I could drop my C/L dose, my appetite returned and I have regained nearly all the weight I lost.
that’s interesting! I did put some weight back on at one point when I weaned off C/L in favour of agonists but I didn’t continue with them due to side effects. Now back on C/L and wasting away again! Catch 22.
Many small meals, instead of a few big ones. The opposite of intermittent fasting!
Drink your calories. It is easier to drink than eat, if you are not hungry. Think about smoothies.
The thing NOT to do is have sugar. Sugar is toxic IMO, terrible for PWP, so a smoothie is not an excuse for dessert all day! You can blend berries and yogurt... peanut butter and cocoa powder or banana. Or sugar free ice cream and...whatever. I fill the blender with full cream and a little sugar-free sweetener, though you could always use banana.
Be careful of premade meal replacement drinks--some of them are essentially candy in a can. Read the label.
same problem for my hubby with PD. He lost 35-40 lbs His osteo told him to drink Boost but you’re right- I read the label and said oh heck no! Sugar in a can and a bunch of other junk!
I heard there’s a weight gain supplement that one can get probably for muscle builders. I’m checking into that.