Is this possible ? I've used it pretty regularly since 1/2022 with a few breaks when I think I feel like things are getting worse.
Restless, shorter sleep, increased tremor... - Cure Parkinson's
Restless, shorter sleep, increased tremors with my Coronet Duo/Red Llight ????????????????
Surely anything with the (purported) potency to do all the good things attributed in some PWP could do bad things in others? Snowflake disease and all that?
Yes, I think it is possible. Any process or therapy that can be demonstrated to have positive effects can have an upper limit. Beyond that it have overdose effects like any other.
Encouraging news!
I used the Therapad pillow for a very short time and I had to stop because it caused me to increase my slownes and stiffness. I talked to the doctor Catherine Hamilton but he has not been able to give me explanations. So I decided to give up the purchase of the Coronet. Best regards.
I think it's possible, but I'm very sorry if it has caused problems for you because I was one of the people who encouraged you to try it. Take care!
Oh your posts are always so interesting and helpful, actually I have read so many supportive articles about red light therapy I that I will continue using it, but change the frequency of use.
It doesn’t help you but I have been using the coronet daily for about two years without any problems.
My wife also used the Thera pad on a badly arthritic joint and the pain subsided after three sessions.
I, too, have had negative symptoms resulting from use of the Coronet Duo. These symptoms have been weird and erratic, such as vivid dreams and peripheral neuropathy. As a result I have stopped using the device. If anyone is interested I will sell it at a good price.
Sorry to hear it has had negative effects on you Kerrington. My husbands still uses his Coronet duo every morning, hasn’t found anything negative yet. He’s been using it for over two years now.
We also have a therapad and he sometimes uses it for his painful back. I have used it frequently and find relief from my problem shoulder, arthritic and 2 torn muscles. Soothes my arthritic hands too!