,Has anybody taken Madopar dispersible and found they felt worse after taking it.
Madopar not agreeing: ,Has anybody taken... - Cure Parkinson's
Madopar not agreeing

interested to hear more from anyone, because thought this could be a useful future option.
When my sister was first diagnosed with PD, her neurologist put her on madopar. My sister said taking the madopar made her tremor worse.
worse than on a different version of levodopa or worse than being on nothing?
It can make you feel nauseous, and if too strong can put you in a cycle of rigidity then an hour or so later shaking and inability to move.
Hubby has found it better than any other form of madopar. I like it as it is able to be cut and plus it’s not blue, which always looks vaguely poisonous to me!
I have been taking Madopar dispersible (50/12.5) from the outset 2 years ago and I find it works well so far. It can be taken with food if taking it on an empty stomach makes you feel queasy. I find I average about 4 &1/2 to 5 hours of on time with my symptoms kept at bay.
i use madopar dispersible. At first even one small dose made me feel very sick. Nausea, etc...so i took half...then bit by bit i increased dosage till i found relief...
when I started taking madopar I was awful, more tremors and terrible sickness. Took me two weeks to get some relief and then my tremors lessened and after about six weeks I did not feel as sickly. Good luck
I take 4 Madopar tablet each day and find it does help. I have not noticed any ill effects so far. However, I actually find walking 5 kms 5-6 days a week just as helpful. Cramps do occur and my writing is badly compromised.
I take 4 Madopar tablets each day and find it does help. I have not noticed any ill effects so far. However, I actually find walking 5 kms 5-6 days a week just as helpful. Cramps do occur and my writing is badly compromised.