My husband was in such excruciating pain and frozen, I had to call 911 at 3am. ER ran all the tests, EMG, Chest X-ray, CT scan, blood and urine tests, nothing turned up. They sent him home with Vicodin as a muscle relaxant (which his neurologist promptly changed to an actual musical relaxant). He also suggested the pain could be related to digestion and put him on an antacid. Three days later and the sharp pain persists moving from back to front to rib area. (also experiencing loss of bladder control for about two weeks). Any thoughts?
Pain in back shoulder blade and clavicle - Cure Parkinson's
Pain in back shoulder blade and clavicle

What meds is he on? Is he on levadopa? How long has he been diagnosed? Has anything changed recently, activity levels, drugs, vitamins etc.
Yes, on June 30th his neurologist substituted staleevo with sinemet, dropped azilect and replaced it with amantadine then dropped amnanradine altogether because the changes seemed to be causing freezing.. Currently not taking either azilect or amantadine. All of this explains the freezing he’s been experiencing, but the pain?
Possibly dystonia. The timing of all those medication changes and the start up of all these problems is awfully suspicious. Is there a reason why the neurologist made all those changes? It seems to me it is best to make such changes one at a time, and only if necessary.
It’s a new neurologist (specializes in DBS which husband is interested in). He thought my husband was over medicated so he made those changes (also adjusted his Steleevo intake to every 2 hrs vs 3). Husband did not tolerate the change well and the neurologist pulled back.
Seacrab,I agree with park bear. This has been brought on probably by the change of medication. That was dramatic stopping the stelevo and the azilect. Sounds like it was not gradual either.
You probably know this but Stelevo is made up of carb/lev and Entacapone a COMP inhibitor. Entacapone helps levodopa last longer by blocking a substance called COMT enzyme. This enzyme breaks down levodopa before it reaches the brain. When less levodopa is broken down, more is available to the brain.
Azilect is a MAO-B inhibitor. It acts by slowing down the breakdown of dopamine in the brain..
So the effect overall was to significantly reduce the amount of levadopa he was getting per day. Levadopa was clearly helping with pain by making the muscles more flexible.
Would suggest an MRI of the neck to rule out cervical stenosis which can cause neck and shoulder pain as well as bladder control issues.
Presuming this would not show upon a CT scan?
Not sure about that. Just suggesting that you ask about the possibility of stenosis. I had it and was told that I could lose bladder control. I had surgery before that happened. Good luck. I hope you figure it out and he feels better soon.
My mother also had excruciating pain in her back and stomach and I saw in a post on this website that the best way to relieve them was to take Xadago (safinamide).
I then asked her neurologist to prescribe it and since then, no more pain. Talk to your husband's doctor.
Good for you.
I just went through the very same thing. The pain was excruciating. I went to my chiropractor and that helped a little but not enough. I ended up three weeks after the initial pain onset having an MRI, that revealed stenosis between two vertebrae in my neck that are causing a pinched nerve. I was given a stronger anti-inflammatory med as well as a different muscle relaxer and I start PT soon, 2-3x weekly for 4-6 weeks. Then I will see a neck specialist to review my progress and if further steps are needed.
Thank you.