Does anyone know how a DAT can be accurat... - Cure Parkinson's
Does anyone know how a DAT can be accurate in indicating depleted dopamine when your taking supplemental dopamine enhancing meds? Cheers!

I think DAT assesses the dopamine transporter, not dopamine per se. Two related yet different animals.
This has always bugged the #### outta me. If I understand this right, the transporter molecule sits on the substantia nigra waiting for dopamine to show up. When dopamine shows up the dopamine-DAT complex is shunted further along in the brain. But what if something causes dopamine to leak through the BBB? Much of the dopamine may be lost to circulation but maybe some survives to obtund PD symptoms like stiffness or poor balance. I had a positive DAT test but I don't have stiffness or balance problems. I take Rytary.
My understanding (I'm no expert), is that the transporter lives in dopamine-producing nerve cells. When dopamine is released by these cells, the transporter scoops it up and puts it back in the cell(recycles dopamine). Since the transporter only lives in dopamine producing cells, reduced transporter on DAT scan indicates / assesses (indirectly) how much loss of dopamine producing cells has occurred.
hahahaa yes it really bugs me my diagnosis was made yrs ago by a mvmnt Dr. that has been asked to head up a new neuro wing in New York, i contacted him and he said it was not usefull, not accurate and unwarranted. he used to head up neuro at univ. colorado hospital so he knows his stuff IMO. besides anything radioactive enough to warrant iodine to protect your thyroid is very ....chernobylish....or fukushima ish....i dont want that crap in my brain. cheers to you all!
I declined. to get a DAT scan also, thinking that it only confirms what was already known and doesn't change your treatment.. simply a money maker.
I turned down a DAT scan too. Didn’t fancy having the stuff in me to confirm what I knew I had and which three neuros had confirmed through my having typical PD symptoms and responsiveness to levodopa meds
Whew , thanks everyone , i see the only mvmnt doc in over 200 miles and he was starting to make me feel stupid for not doing it 20 yrs into pd...now i can affirm im not the onlyy one that feels reticient at best, to pump radioactive thyroid damaging crap in my brain for no real purpose that i can see. hang tough! cheers!
My husband showed a positive DAT scan also. He doesn’t have balance or stiffness either, because as of now, all his symptoms are in the upper torso and head. I trust you’re exercising to keep that good balance and stiffness at bay? Rytary is also his main med.
For me it was used as a diagnostic tool before I was taking any meds. I think generally that is the case.