Does anyone find they yawn more and if so... - Cure Parkinson's
Does anyone find they yawn more and if so how often?

I have yawning bouts. It's almost like I can't get enough oxygen in to my brain. I'll yawn about 20 times one right after the other. Then be done. I don't know if it's the requip I'm on or if I'm just tired. I have a problem with sleeping at night. Sleep comes easy for me. It's the staying asleep I have a problem with.
yeah me too
i htink it is mainly the tiredness altho some meds 4 other things (e g anti depressants) can cause excessive yawnign
i think it is a matter of gettign oxygen to the brain
love jilll
HI , I think you will fine your self your yawning after taking l-dopa . when your meds kick in your brain need a lot more oxegen.
yours EXPORT.
hello grappers, I would bet it is the Requip. Did the same thing to me. My Dr. took me off of requip as a result.
Well thats strange as i havent even started on drugs and am yawning in bouts every few hours!, How do you get more oxygen to the brain? I go out and walk a lot...
I found chewing gum REALLY helps.
i am bored to yawning with this blog - sorry ; -D
My husband yawns , lack of oxygen doesn't help . breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth ! You don't blink as much or swallow enough same wth the breathing without knowing That's only my opinion
oh yes I seem to go through yawning bouts , and it always seems to be around taking my meds . It usually lasts about 20-30minutes.. Hang in there, my grandchildren think it is a game now who can yawn the most. you have to laughabout something.