Can someone tell me what cough syrup Parkinson’s patients can take? Every Robitussin syrup warned against use by people with Parkinson’s…. I was just at the store and couldn’t find anything my husband could take….🤷♀️
Cough syrup for Parkinson’s patients - Cure Parkinson's
Cough syrup for Parkinson’s patients
Thank you! I have honey from our own hives!
We always make hot lemon and honey "tea": organic lemons, sliced up with the rinds and simmered in a pan of water, then add raw honey (to taste). Also, running a warm-mist humidifier and rubbing some menthol/eucalyptus ointment under the nostrils actually works better for me than any cough medicine I've ever tried.
Mix 8 oz. of LOCAL honey with 1 TBL apple cider vinegar. If you have Young Living Essential oils, add 10 drops of lemon oil and 5 drops of orange oil. If you don't have the oils, add some lemon juice (about 1 Tablespoon)
"Fisherman's Friend " lozenges , opens nasal passages and stops that tickle in the throat. I keep some everywhere I spend time , bedroom, garage, car etc and in every coat pocket.
I was waiting in line to get my booster shot and a women in front started coughing, people started moving away from her and she was distressed. So I asked her if she wanted one, she stopped coughing immediately after she started to chew it. Big smile.
Menthol, no sugar , fruit juice flavor, take as many as you want.
Imported to Canada from manufacturer Fleetwood Ltd, Lancashire, England
Damn smart those Brits.
Not syrup but pastilles. Riccola, sugar free elderflower. Magic. I used them during covid. 3 o 4 a day max as they have xylitol...but really really calming.