Artane, from its description, would appear to be of great benefit to those PWPs who are developing poor muscle control, like me, in just trying to walk. Legs are getting weaker and weaker even though I do exercise on an elliptical, rowing machine and recumbent bike. Is this drug available in the UK or other locations? Have any readers on this site used this RX?
Why Was Artane Discontinued in the US? - Cure Parkinson's
Why Was Artane Discontinued in the US?

It appears to still be available:
My husband takes a tiny bit of another anticholinergic called Kemadrin or procyclidine. (1/4 twice a day). It did seem to help with agitation caused by starting levodopa.
Ps at this small amount he hasn’t noticed adverse effects. He would know if it was affecting his memory or concentration as he plays high level bridge and he continues to get the same sorts of top results as he always has.
1/ 4 twice a day is less than the therapeutic dose but he is always an overreactor to all medications. His DNA analysis shows he is a slow processor of pharmaceuticals in the liver. If you find you are getting side effects from pharmaceuticals you may have the same genetic mutations so try SLOWLY decreasing them over weeks to see if side effects subside.
Artane (trihexyphenidyl) is an anticholinergic drug.
"There was nearly a 50% increased odds of dementia associated with total anticholinergic exposure of more than 1095 TSDDs within a 10-year period, which is equivalent to 3 years’ daily use of a single strong anticholinergic medication at the minimum effective dose recommended for older people. "
" An estimated 50 to 75% of people with Parkinson's disease will react positively [to Artane] and experience a 20 to 30% symptomatic improvement. "
I think a lot more work could be done on understanding the trade offs.
yes, its still available in the US. I had used very small amounts of it daily, for 3 or 4 years when I was initially diagnosed. It helped with my tremor. When I started taking c/l I weaned myself off of Artane. I like Artane, except for the absent-mindedness that it induces.
My husband's Mayo MDS had him stop it! It causes memory problems. . . It's a very old med.