I was diagnosed with PD 3 years ago at the tender age of 57. First year I was on Azilect 1mg which I tolerated well, but it didn't do much for my symptoms. Since 2 years I take Madopar 200/50 half a tablet 4 x per day. I don't have much problems with tremors but stiffness and balance problems and a really annoying stammer which is getting worse. Now my left leg is starting twitching when I use my right hand and I am wondering if this is an early sign of dyskinesia. Anyone's experiencing similar symptoms?
Dyskinesia: I was diagnosed with PD 3 years... - Cure Parkinson's

Yes. I have similar history to you. Same age when diagnosed. Same drug regime. Stiffness, yes. Loss of balance, yes. And most annoying stammer, which gets progressively worse. Went off Madopar to Stalevo 200/50/200 1 tablet four times a day. Not experiencing left leg twitch any more.. Symptoms been pretty constant now for two years.
Left leg is not dyskinesia
It could be dyskinesia, are you tracking when (during your med cycle) it occurs?
You are on a very small dosage. I would be tempted to increase to 1 x 50/12.5 capsule six times per day
was around 55 To 60 with first symptoms but 2 docs missed diagnosis until I was 65. Azilect was first prescription and I loved it’s loosening of my TIGHT muscles. Also, small research project suggested it may delay progression of symptoms. 10 years later, after 6-8 months of terrible freezing etc,I now take sinemet with Azilect. My symptoms are minimal. I still rIde my bike on thin side walks, can jog when necessary, dance, etc., although my posture needs work. I don’t know how much to contribute to Azilect, but I’m grateful for whatever is working.
Average age of onset of PD is 58yrs to 60 yrs. If you don't have tremor you may be one of the about 40 % of pwp who has the stiffness type of PD. It is often associated with balance problems and increasing levadopa doesn't often help. Also I realise that friends with this type of PD often have speech problems but don't know how typical that is..